Most often, slimes are made using PVA glue and sodium tetraborate. However, both of these components are chemical substances, and therefore potentially dangerous for children. In this regard, many parents have a question about how to make a slime without glue and tetraborate, using more harmless components.

- - 1 tube of toothpaste;
- - 2 tbsp / l of liquid soap;
- - a little food coloring;
- - 4 h / l flour;
- - bowl and spoon.
Step 1
Rinse the prepared bowl and dry thoroughly. The dishes for cooking slime must be absolutely dry.
Step 2
Squeeze the entire tube of toothpaste into a bowl. You can take any paste, even the cheapest. It is best to use pure white. In this case, in the future it will be possible to obtain a slime of exactly the desired color.
Step 3
Further, to make a slime at home without glue, add 1 tbsp / l of liquid soap to the paste. Stir the ingredients. It will be quite difficult to combine the paste and soap. So you have to show a little patience.
Step 4
Slowly add the remaining liquid soap to the bowl as you stir. In the end, you should have an absolutely homogeneous mass, similar in consistency to yogurt.
Step 5
Add a few drops of any food coloring to a bowl. Mix everything thoroughly again. The color of the mass should be as uniform as possible. Of course, for a slime for a child, it is worth taking some bright dye.
Step 6
Add 3 teaspoons of flour to the dyed mass. Mix everything thoroughly again. When performing this procedure, make sure that no lumps form in the future slime without glue and tetraborate. While mixing, gradually add the remaining flour to the mass.
Step 7
Continue kneading the slime. If the mass does not turn out thick enough, add a little more flour to it. The amount of this ingredient depends on the consistency of the liquid soap used to make the toy.
Step 8
Once the mixture is thick enough, remove it from the bowl and continue kneading it with your hands. This will take a long time. You can knead slime and like a regular dough - on the table.
Step 9
As soon as the mass becomes elastic and stops sticking to your hands, stop kneading. Your toy is ready. Now you know how to make a slime without glue and borax at home.