"Bonding" or vaginismus is a fear of vaginal contacts in a woman, including sexual contacts, insertion of tampons, gynecological examinations. With any sharp and careless movement, an involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles, muscles of the perineum and thighs occurs, making it impossible to extract the penis.

"Bonding" is an extremely painful situation, especially for a man, which can bring him to a loss of consciousness. A woman also experiences emotional shock and pain in this state. According to statistics, one sexual intercourse out of a thousand can result in "glueing".
Causes of vaginismus
As a rule, the causes of this disease lie in the early and not entirely successful first sexual contacts of a woman. Usually, at the age of 13-15, intercourse gives a girl more pain than satisfaction. In addition, the negative feelings of sexual contact can be exacerbated by fear of pregnancy and rude attitude from the partner.
Vaginismus comes in three forms: mild, moderate, and severe. With a mild form, a woman is afraid of the introduction of a gynecological dilator, with an average one - any touching of the genitals. In severe form, even the thought of sex can cause fear and contraction of the vaginal muscles. A mild form of vaginismus, as a rule, is skillfully hidden by a woman from her partner. But this does not mean that with any careless movement, his organ will not fall into the female "trap".
During a spasm of the vaginal muscles, a woman feels shock, fear and pain. The penis of a man, clamped by the muscles of a woman, swells sharply, the pain rapidly increases until the appearance of painful shock and loss of consciousness. Efforts to free themselves, as a rule, lead to an even greater increase in muscle spasm in a woman and a stronger "clumping".
Ways to free yourself
First of all, you need to calm down and even out your breathing. A man, despite the pain, should pull himself together and try to calm the woman down, not trying to free himself abruptly.
If there is an opportunity to get to medications, a woman should take any sedative, both partners should drink a pain reliever (preferably no-shpu). Also, a warm shower or a heating pad placed under the lower back of the woman helps well against spasm.
You can try to induce artificial relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, a woman spreads her legs wide to the sides, as in childbirth, and greatly strains the press, as in labor attempts. The man inserts his index finger into the woman's anus up to the second phalanx and with effort pulls it back towards the coccyx. If an attempt is unsuccessful, it is necessary to stroke the woman's belly in a circular motion and try again after 2 minutes.
Independent actions to free yourself from the "trap" are recommended to be carried out no more than 20 minutes. If during this time there is no result, urgently call an ambulance. At the same time, do not hesitate to describe the situation. It is necessary that the arriving doctor has with him light anesthesia and tranquilizers for the woman.