It often happens that on the path of life you meet a person who seems to like you, but you can't tell right away whether this is your destiny or not. How do you know that you have met your true love?

Step 1
If you really met your love, then you should feel that this person is infinitely dear to you, that you are very afraid of losing him. For the sake of this person, for the sake of his happiness, you must be ready to commit any, perhaps even the most incredible, the most insane act. And you won't need anything in return. If you just want to be close to him, enjoy every moment spent together, then, most likely, he is your love.
Step 2
If you really fall in love, then you will stop paying attention to other men. You will strive to please only him alone. You will wear such dresses that he likes, do such hairstyles that he also likes. He will become for you not just a beloved man, but also a friend with whom you can share any problems and secrets. It will be interesting for you to communicate with him. You will strive to find out more information on topics of interest to this person in order to maintain a conversation with him at the proper level.
Step 3
If this person really is your destiny, then you should be very cozy and comfortable together, you should immediately feel that you want to live with him all your life, give birth to children, please him with morning breakfasts in bed, take care of him and cherish, like small child.
Step 4
If this is really your person, then the hours spent with him fly by just like moments. And without it, one minute seems like an eternity. Try this simple experiment. Try not to communicate at all for a whole week: not to meet, not to call, not to correspond. If both of you cannot do without communication for a day, if you are constantly looking for an excuse to talk, even if it is even physically difficult for you, then you really need each other and you should not part more.