Having made the decision to have a child, a woman may not be ready for the fact that pregnancy does not occur in the first month. With each new failure, doubts creep into my head whether there is even a possibility of getting pregnant. In this case, it is worth trying to find out if you can have children.

It is necessary
- - visit a family planning center;
- - pass the necessary tests.
Step 1
Assess what your menstrual cycle is like. Usually its frequency is 26-34 days, and the discharge lasts 3-5 days. If the cycle is too short or long, or if its duration varies from month to month, there is a possibility that the ovaries may not work properly.
Step 2
Measure basal temperature during one cycle. If about two weeks before menstruation there is a jump of 0, 4 ° C, then ovulation is occurring.
Step 3
Contact a family planning center or your local gynecologist at an antenatal clinic. During the initial examination, your doctor will take a swab from your vagina, which will help identify an infection, if any. After all, this is often the reason for infertility.
Step 4
The doctor will also prescribe a blood test for hormones. Usually, the concentration of hormones such as estrogens, progesterone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, testosterone, thyroid stimulating hormone is examined. But, based on the examinations, the doctor may prescribe additional tests.
Step 5
Schedule an ultrasound scan of your uterus and ovaries. It will show if there are any irregularities in the functioning of these organs.
Step 6
Check the patency of the pipes. There are several methods that allow you to find out if the fallopian tubes are in order. More often, doctors use the hysteroscopy method. You may also be offered procedures such as hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy.
Step 7
Ask your partner to consult with an andrologist and take a spermogram. After all, the cause of infertility does not always lie in disturbances in the work of the female body.
Step 8
There is also an analysis called the post-coital test. It helps to assess whether a man's sperm can penetrate the mucus of a woman's cervix.