Unrequited love is found at every step, but how do you want loved and loving people to be next to each other. But not every girl decides to fight for her love, and you should not retreat. After all, maybe happiness goes by. You just need to take the first step, and your beloved will be with you, but whether he loves you or not is a matter of time.

Step 1
You fell in love, and the beloved does not know about it and does not even notice you. Doesn't know your name, what are you fond of. And your dreams are only about him. Talk to him first. Find an excuse that will bring you closer together and you will finally get to know each other. Don't be afraid to talk. Gain strength and confidence. Hint to the person you are in love with that you would not mind if you meet with him again. But in any case, do not impose. He should think that he is making the appointment for you, not you for him.
Step 2
Find out from your sources what your crush is about. Ask reliable people about his interests and hobbies, about his hobbies. You should have as many common interests as possible. If necessary, read books, if he is a reader, watch football if he is a football fan, etc.
Step 3
And so your meeting took place. Don't be shy about it. Be calm and confident. Compliment your subject as much as possible during your interactions. But don't overdo it. You need to ensure that he knows that it is you who like his features, actions, actions. You don't need him to fall in love with himself and become himself.
Step 4
If possible, go to all the events that your loved one attends. You must become irreplaceable to him. And for this you have to go a long way.
Step 5
If your loved one perceives you as a friend, and you did not become for him the girl with whom he could spend his whole life, figure it out in yourself. Do you need one that does not pay enough attention to you. You talked to him enough: analyze his behavior, manners. Maybe you don't need him, you were looking for another man. And he turned out to be exactly what he is, and not the way you imagined him in your dreams. If that turns out to be the case, stop thinking about this person. This means that your happiness awaits you in the near future. And do not be upset over trifles.