Quite often families meet when one spouse is madly in love, makes all the sacrifices for the sake of his half, and the other only condescendingly allows himself to be loved. How to be in such a relationship, and can there be such unrequited love?

Step 1
Perhaps the greatest mental suffering is caused by unrequited love. Inside, everything is bursting with resentment and bitterness. It would seem that you are doing everything for your loved one, but he only accepts your feelings as something completely natural.
Step 2
First, stop winding yourself up. If you know how to love, this is already a great happiness. Your loved one is nearby - what else can you dream of? All your thoughts are about him, you are trying to make his life brighter, more comfortable, more beautiful. Taking care of him gives you joy, a sense of confidence. He may not love you yet, but he feels how he needs you. He is grateful for your support and attention to himself. Perhaps, over time, the feeling of gratitude will grow into love on his part.
Step 3
You have lived with your beloved for more than one year, you have common children. It would seem - a normal family. But the feeling of loneliness does not leave you. You see that your husband has moved away from you, is not as gentle with you as before, does not spoil you with pleasant surprises and gifts. Don't be in a hurry to panic about the lack of feelings on his part. Perhaps he is now having a difficult period at work, and he is directing all his efforts and efforts to improve his official affairs. Maybe he is worried about some kind of health problem that he does not want to admit.
Step 4
Help him open up. Talk to him frankly but unobtrusively. If he wants to admit his difficulties, he will. And over time, he will be grateful that you extended a helping hand to him.
Step 5
If the reason is completely different - he just got used to you, you do not evoke vivid feelings in him, then it is urgent to change. Look at yourself in the mirror: how long have you been to a beauty salon? Get a new haircut, buy a stylish outfit and take your husband out to a restaurant or have a romantic candlelit evening. Very often, after such a program, men look at their wives in a completely new way. You may have a new period of falling in love, and your honeymoon may begin again. Only, having returned his love, now try to constantly maintain yourself in perfect shape and periodically surprise your beloved in a new way.
Step 6
If this method does not work, then think it over seriously. How many families live without mutual love, but their marriage does not fall apart from this. The spouses run the household together, raise children, support each other in difficult times. Maybe this option will suit you?