How To Make Friends In A Family

How To Make Friends In A Family
How To Make Friends In A Family

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It so happened that sometimes in families between children with a certain age difference there is a misunderstanding, against the background of which more serious conflicts appear. What methods are there to avoid quarrels and resentments at each other and create a warm and friendly atmosphere between the children?

How to make friends in a family
How to make friends in a family


Step 1

"You love him more only because he is younger!" A long time ago, a stereotype arose and was firmly strengthened that with the appearance of the youngest in the family, love for the first child is no longer as strong as before. This is due to the fact that, due to its age, the second child requires much more parental attention. It is because of this that older children sometimes feel left out. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to explain to the child in advance that love for him will not cool down, and he will be loved as much as before. Engage him or her with a younger family member. Let it be a joint game, for example. Then understanding and condescension will not be long in coming.

Step 2

Personal space. Another equally common problem between two children is personal space. This problem becomes especially urgent when children are already in adolescence. Quite often, there are times when they are forced to live together in a common room, and the lack of personal space can negatively affect the relationship of the children. Therefore, if your children are already at a conscious age, it is advisable to talk to them, discuss what they would like to change in their room. Make it fun for them. Let them discuss with each other the arrangement of furniture and things that suits them so that they would be comfortable living together.

Step 3

Constant comparison. Constant comparison of both can also negatively affect the relationship between children. If you set the older child as an example to the younger, he immediately resent the first child. With each such comparison, you will only intensify this feeling of resentment, which soon threatens to turn into hatred. Remember that both of your children are personalities, and in no case should you drive one of them into the framework of the behavior of another child. There is always an opportunity to delicately point out to your child the mistakes he has made. This will be much more effective than stirring up anger between the guys.

Step 4

Do not force one child on another every second. This will only cause annoyance. Remember that despite the importance of family communication between children, both of them will sometimes want to take a break from each other. There is nothing wrong with this, because each of them needs solitude with themselves or communication with their friends. Do not force children to be together all the time - and the friendship between them will be much stronger.
