Friends help you have a good time. Communication with real soul mates allows a person to remain themselves and express themselves. Therefore, it is worth finding a friend and creating a strong relationship with her.

A real friend is able to understand, sympathize, give advice, share your interests. However, finding such a girl is becoming increasingly difficult. A fast-paced life, its high pace and daily stress does not contribute to strong bonds between people.
With age, the problem of true friends is also exacerbated. In childhood, it was enough to have common hobbies. The older a person gets, the more demands they make on potential friends. After all, it is difficult to communicate and understand each other with people of a different circle, different upbringing, social status and with a worldview different from yours.
At the same time, there are many places where you can find a girlfriend. If your hobbies include more than one hobby, perhaps you will meet a nice girl in training courses, in a fitness center, or in a hobby club. A great place to make new friends is at work. The main thing is not to keep apart, to be open to communication. You spend the lion's share of your time at your workplace. Therefore, it is worth focusing your searches on the office. Take a closer look at your colleagues, do not miss the opportunity to participate in corporate events, try not to dine alone, look for common topics.
By the way, you have one of the topics - professional activity. This means that you already have something to base your communication with a girl on.
Get ready for a new friendship. It is important to understand that it will take time, inner strength to establish a new contact. There is also some work to be done on relationships with friends. This is the only way to create a strong alliance. With a new friend you need to communicate, have fun, share your impressions.
Continuously deepen your relationship until you achieve real intimacy and become inseparable friends. Be sincere and honest. Try not only to get positive emotions from communication, but also to give something in return. Girlfriends do not just share information, but also provide assistance in difficult situations.
A true friend is distinguished by tact, indifference, generosity, kindness and benevolence. To be a true friend, you need to build trust. Know how to keep other people's secrets. Too much talkativeness will make you a bad conversationalist. Learn to listen. This skill will make you a real support group for the girl. True friendship is manifested in the ability to share joyful and sad moments.
Don't try to fool your girlfriend and pretend. Understand that on a subconscious level, people sense deception and manipulation attempts. Keep your word to your friend. Let her understand that you can be counted on. Be attentive and punctual. It is also important to respect the girl's opinion and refrain from harsh criticism towards her.
Remember that your friend is looking for support from you.
Cherish your relationship with your friend. Sometimes you have to compromise and be flexible. Otherwise, you risk losing the relationship early on in its inception. Disagreements and misunderstandings can occur between girlfriends. But true friends are kept together by the desire to quickly make peace and forget the grievances.