With one of the girlfriends, a trusting relationship develops for life. With others, rapprochement occurs for a while, and then women remain just friends. But often the success of relationships between girls depends not only on the ability to choose true friends and the presence of common interests, but also on the ability to behave correctly with them.

Step 1
Be considerate of your friends. Communicate more often, listen carefully and try to help if necessary. But no matter how warm and trusting the relationship develops between you, do not impose your opinion and do not give advice if you are not asked to do so.
Step 2
Be empathetic in your relationship. If any of your girlfriends have problems in relationships or money is tight, try not to highlight your successes and achievements. It is better to listen and sympathize - it will be appreciated. But if you find yourself in a similar situation, you can count on the sincere support of your girls.
Step 3
If you feel that one of your friends is fixated on his own person, trying to humiliate you or assert himself at your expense, try to keep your relationship with her to a minimum. Any trouble can be expected from such a “friend”.
Step 4
None of your friends should decide what to wear, whom and when to date, what to do, etc. Everyone should have their own personal space.
Step 5
If you do not like something about the behavior of one friend, you should not let your other friends know about it. Better to talk frankly with her, tactfully and delicately point out mistakes. A smart girl will appreciate this and learn to behave differently.
Step 6
When you are mistaken about something, know how to say the word "sorry". Like other people, your girlfriends need moral support, compliments, and self-esteem. Therefore, do not regret pleasant words for them. This does not mean that you should fawn on them, but everyone needs a kind word.
Step 7
All problems in the personal and family life of a friend should be solved by themselves. Even if you are asked to express your opinion, it is better to do it casually or try to laugh it off.
Step 8
Your intimate problems should also not be made public. The less you introduce your friends to the details of your relationship with your boyfriend or husband, the less problems you will get in the future.
Step 9
Your friend's boyfriend is her boyfriend. There should not be any signs of attention and, moreover, courtship on his part. If there are no ambiguous situations between you, there will be no unnecessary reasons for conflicts.
Step 10
Don't expect your friends to behave the way you expect them to. They simply may not understand what you want from them. Therefore, it is better to be clear about your desires.