How To Make Friends With Your Child

How To Make Friends With Your Child
How To Make Friends With Your Child

Parents often face the problem of misunderstanding between them and their children, which leads to conflicts and stressful situations in the family. It is easy to establish a good relationship with your child - it is only important to know a few aspects.

The happiness and peace of mind of the child is the merit of the parents
The happiness and peace of mind of the child is the merit of the parents

Why don't parents understand their children?

Many adults rarely think that the cause of strained relationships with children lies not in their children, but in themselves. Often the causes of this problem are rooted in the worldview of the parents. Here are just a few reasons why a parent cannot get along with their child:

  1. The difference is in the upbringing of children. The parent was brought up at one time using some methods, and he is already raising his child with others, which sometimes causes behavioral problems that a person is not used to correcting.
  2. Parental selfishness. The parent believes that the child cannot make decisions on his own and look for his problems.
  3. Errors of youth. It often happens that parents forbid children to do what they themselves did when they were young. Forbidden fruit is sweet, so children often go against the will of their parents, which in turn creates conflict.

Solution to the problem

First, give your child a choice. Let him gain experience in a variety of ways, and you only direct if there is such a need.

Second, listen to your child's opinion. A variety of issues should be discussed collectively, and the child needs to participate in the discussion in order to develop his own point of view.

Third, come up with joint activities. Remember, any outdoor activity, favorite hobby or simple walk brings you and your child closer together.

Finally, support your child. In any situation, do not forget that you are the closest person of your child. Only you can help him feel protected from the pressure of the outside world. Strong children are your merit.
