Does Your Child Know How To Be Friends

Does Your Child Know How To Be Friends
Does Your Child Know How To Be Friends

Have you noticed how your little one behaves while walking on the playground? There are always many children around him, or does he prefer to play alone on the sidelines and watch a cheerful, noisy company? If you think that this is age-related and "then it will pass" - you are deeply mistaken.

Does your child know how to be friends
Does your child know how to be friends

Shielding himself from communication with peers, the child loses socialization skills, which in the future may negatively affect the establishment of contacts at school, institute, and at work. So why does the baby avoid other children? There can be a great many reasons, but do not forget that every child is a person. There are two main reasons that affect a child's sociability: upbringing and character type.

  • Quiet, insecure children cannot overcome their shyness and do not know how to start a conversation, make friends. Often such kids are friends only with those whom they have known for a long time.
  • Hyperactive and restless children often occupy not only a leading position in the company of their peers, but also become dictators. Their desire to succeed in everything, to be the first, despite the interests and needs of other children, repels others. Quite often, these children remain lonely.

We all go through hard changes - changing jobs, moving - but the children have it even harder. A change of place of residence, transfer to another school or class - always affects the child's behavior. It takes some time for the baby to get used to a new place, and then he will have friends again.

Some kids just don't know what friendship is. If you notice your child aside from peers, then you need to talk to him and try to understand why he is alone. Maybe he is too carried away by the toy recently presented to him and does not see anything and anyone around. Don't worry, it will pass soon. But if your child looks towards the playing company and is left alone, you need to join the game and help your child overcome shyness or fear.

  1. You can organize your game: hide and seek, bouncers, tag or another. These games require a large number of players, which will undoubtedly raise your credibility among the guys. After showing the game once, do not fall out - continue, but involving your child as your replacement. This will help him get to know the kids and make new friends.
  2. Get out of the house more often. Go to exhibitions, movies, parks, library family evenings - there are many parents with children in these places. Don't let your most interesting years sit around your computer, tablet, or TV.
  3. Be kinder and more responsive to your friends, do not forget - children follow their parents' example!
