How To Organize A Children's Club

How To Organize A Children's Club
How To Organize A Children's Club

Kids' clubs at home or in rented premises are becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to kindergartens. It is quite easy to create your own circle, if, of course, you feel in yourself enough strength to do more than just your child.

How to organize a children's club
How to organize a children's club

Organization of the circle

To get started, take care of looking for future regular customers. Look for them among friendly families who know you well and want to attend your classes. After receiving two or three "clients", determine the time of the classes of your circle. Usually such events for preschool children take place between ten in the morning and six in the evening. Agree on regular meetings on some day of the week, keep in mind that if meetings are suddenly canceled at the very beginning of the activities of the circle, it will be very difficult to gather people again.

After solving the basic organizational questions, think over the topic of the circle. If you do not have very many clients, you can arrange a meeting with them and discuss the proposed topics. You need to prepare very carefully for such meetings so as not to look stupid when you come empty-handed. Choose global, large topics that will take several lessons to develop. For example, if you are going to create a children's circle with an emphasis on drawing, suggest studying color combinations, proportions, perspective. Such global topics will be enough for six months or a year of study. The main thing is to present them in the correct and accessible way, if your circle is designed for preschoolers.

Make classes fun

Be sure to search the Internet or buy specialized manuals in which you can find valuable information about teaching children, interesting exercises and assignments. Be prepared to spend a lot of time on this. Such useful information will make your circles more interesting for the participants.

You can expand the circle with the help of announcements that can be placed in the nearest kindergartens, libraries and schools. You can place an ad on the Internet on specialized resources.

To keep the circle together, to interest children and their parents, you can find some kind of external goal - preparation for an exhibition, participation in a concert, competition or charity event. Think in advance what could be such a unifying factor. The first "appearances" help all the participants to unite, strengthen their interest in the activities of the circle.

Over time, if your event is a success, it is worth considering renting a dedicated space for it. A studio, a gym, a dance class - all this can be found quite easily in almost any area of the city. In this case, it is important to discuss all financial issues with the parents of your students.
