Thrush In Children: What Causes It And How To Deal With It

Thrush In Children: What Causes It And How To Deal With It
Thrush In Children: What Causes It And How To Deal With It

The mucous membrane of the mouth contains many microorganisms, one of which is the fungus Candida albicans. Its uncontrolled growth is inhibited by the presence of beneficial bacteria. In case of imbalance of microflora in the mouth, thrush can develop, which is considered one of the most common diseases in infants.

Thrush in children: what causes it and how to deal with it
Thrush in children: what causes it and how to deal with it

Symptoms and causes of thrush

When a child suffers from thrush, a white plaque appears on the mucous membranes of the mouth: on the palate, tongue, inside of the cheeks and gums. Inflammation can develop around the plaques. If the white coating is removed, redness may appear underneath. The baby becomes moody and restless, while often refusing to breast or bottle, because sucking hurts him. If untreated, small white spots in the mouth grow over time, and a curd bloom appears.

There can be many causes of thrush in a child. Possible infection of the baby from the mother during the passage through the birth canal (if the pregnant woman suffered from candidiasis). Children born with a weakened immune system or prematurely are also predisposed to this disease.

The appearance of thrush often occurs due to the frequent regurgitation of the child, because the fungus prefers to live in an acidic environment. Children who have been prescribed antibiotic treatment are at risk. Thrush can appear during teething.

Each time before feeding, the mother should wash her breasts with warm water and baby soap. If the baby is bottle-fed, nipples, pacifiers and bottles should be sterilized.

In most cases, the cause of thrush on the oral mucosa in a child is improper or insufficient hygienic care. Often, infection occurs through the mother's nipples, a pacifier, or objects that the baby pulls into his mouth.

How to deal with thrush?

If you do not treat thrush, it can spread throughout your mouth. For treatment, mainly topical preparations (creams or solutions) are used, which include antifungal components. The pediatrician must make a conclusion and prescribe an antifungal drug, which is usually treated within 5-10 days. Often, Candide solution is used for this. Apply a few drops of the product to a cotton swab or sterile bandage and wipe the mucous membrane of the child's mouth 3 times a day.

After eating, give the baby a few sips of warm boiled water, so the milk residues will be washed off, the acidic environment, which the fungus loves very much, will be neutralized.

Lubricate the mouth with a mild baking soda solution. Dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water. Wrap sterile gauze or bandage on your finger, moisten it in a soda solution and carefully clean the child's mouth. This procedure should be repeated every 2-3 hours. The mother's nipples (or bottle nipple) and pacifier should also be treated with this product.
