Speech motor skills and body movements have fundamentally the same mechanisms, which is why the development of the thin continent of the hands strongly affects the development of a child's speech in the future. What is finger gymnastics and why is it so necessary?

Scientists have found that children suffering from delayed speech development have poor coordination of fine motor skills of the fingers, the consequence, in some cases, may be dysgraphia, or writing disorder. That is why it is necessary to develop fine motor skills from an early age in order to prepare the foundation for the development of speech.
One of the directions in the development of fine motor skills is passive gymnastics, massage. Of course, it is better if you look at the technique of such a massage from a masseur, but some techniques are simple and do not require special training.
Massage performed with one hand (the other hand supports the limb), duration 5 minutes, will help to develop fine motor skills, it must be done several times a day. During the massage, the following movements are used: stroking in different directions, rubbing, vibration, using a hard ball (it moves from the center of the palm to the fingertips) and flexion - extension of the fingers.
Active gymnastics is considered no less effective (age from 2 months). Active gymnastics means various games aimed at developing motor skills. The child is given objects different in shape and texture in his hand. Purpose: the child must hold objects in his hands for a while. And with this, an adult should comment on objects: "this is a smooth ball", "this is a prickly hedgehog", etc. For children over 9 months old, games with matryoshka dolls, pyramids, pouring sand from a bowl into a bowl, transferring various objects from one container to another.