We Develop Fine Motor Skills In Babies

We Develop Fine Motor Skills In Babies
We Develop Fine Motor Skills In Babies

Developing fine motor skills is easy. Don't be afraid to let children play with small objects. It is best to engage in the development of fine motor skills from 6 months to 3 years.

We develop fine motor skills in babies
We develop fine motor skills in babies

What is fine motor skills? Why is it important to develop it

- movement of small muscles of the hands. Fine motor skills are directly related to the development of speech in children. Scientists have proven that children with well-developed fine motor skills begin to speak faster and better.

In addition to the development of speech, fine motor skills develop:

  • imagination;

    dry pool with balls - perfectly develops fine motor skills
    dry pool with balls - perfectly develops fine motor skills
  • thinking;
  • coordination;
  • visual memory;
  • motor memory;
  • Attention.

The sooner you start to deal with the child's development, the faster he will start talking and serving himself (dressing, putting on shoes, going to the potty, eating, etc.).

The optimal age for starting classes is from 6 to 8 months, when the child has learned to sit down.

Where to start classes?

You can buy special toys, but not at all. Everything you need for classes is at home. To begin with, the baby can be offered to touch the rags of fabric of different textures and colors. You can also sew or glue various beads and buttons (of different shapes and sizes) onto the fabric.

Make bags of various grains out of the fabric (peas, beans, rice, buckwheat, etc.). Offer your child to dip their hands in different cereals. You can learn to draw with flour and semolina.

Pour semolina or flour into a flat large container, and draw with your fingers. For babies, you can make a modeling dough (or buy plasticine). You can also purchase finger paints. Play with balls of different sizes. You can play in a special dry pool (see photo).

The main thing is to conduct all classes in the form of a game, do not force the child, if he is in a bad mood to do what he does not want. Alternate games. Offer your child something new every day. Take 15-20 minutes to study each day. With age, the child will become more assiduous and activities will increase in time. Offer games according to the child's age.

Important! If the child uses a pacifier, offer it to him while playing with small objects so that the child does not pull everything into his mouth. Monitor your child closely. Don't be distracted when your child plays with cereals, dough, etc

For children from 1 year

Keep playing with cereals, just make it harder. For example, you can add pasta to buckwheat and invite your child to choose them and transfer them to another bowl. Invite your child to string large beads onto the string. Or toss small balls or plastic tubes into a container with a narrow neck (balls can be made from plasticine). Buy kinetic sand at home, play with sand when there is no opportunity to play with your child in the sandbox outside. Draw - with crayons, paints, felt-tip pens, etc. Finger gymnastics - for all ages. We read poetry and do finger massage. Purchase various "pyramids" and "sorters" or do it yourself. Make it harder with games and have your child practice sleight of hand. For games with drawing with paints, you can make an ice ball (see photo) Pour water into the balloon and into the freezer for a day.


All the games described will surely interest the kid. Tell the child what he is doing, ask leading questions, thereby involving him in the process.
