Meeting people on the street is a great way to improve your personal life. The main thing in this business is to choose an individual approach and start a conversation correctly. And then everything will go like clockwork if the chosen one is predisposed to this.

Pros and cons of dating on the street
The street is one of the most difficult places to meet, because you need not only to look spectacular, but also to interest the girl, pick up an individual approach to her, keep the conversation going and at the same time not seem annoying. However, despite all the difficulties, getting to know each other on the street, the guy has the opportunity to choose his only one among the many representatives of the fairer sex of different ages and social status.
Where to start dating?
The simplest, banal, but very effective way to meet is a nice joke or a compliment, and then the main thing is to keep the conversation going and not get confused. If it will be seen that the girl is inclined to communicate, then you can subtly hint her for a walk or ask for a phone number.
A girl will never start dating a sloppy, unkempt guy, her appearance should be perfect!
You can also strike up a conversation with a representative of the fairer sex by asking her how to get to a popular nearby object, for example, a cinema or a shopping center. If the girl slowly begins to describe the route, it would be a good idea to offer her a walk together, during which you can discuss the weather, the latest news, videos, films, etc. Another original way to get to know each other is to ask the girl herself how to do it. In this case, she will be given the opportunity to feel in the role of a psychologist, in this case the guy's task is to listen carefully and take into account her advice. And then you can unobtrusively ask the chosen one to go from theory to practice.
Excessive persistence and aggression can cause disgust and fear in a girl, so they are unacceptable when meeting!
What should not be done when meeting on the street?
At the first meeting, it is undesirable to make sharp movements, you should not utter offensive or vulgar expressions, this will definitely not please the chosen one. In no case should you behave too persistently or aggressively, if it is clear from the girl that she is not ready to reciprocate - it is better to look for another candidate. It should not be forgotten that the fairer sex is "greeted by their clothes", but this does not mean that you need to dress up like a parrot, it is enough to be neat and stylish. If the girl gave a lapel-turn, there is no need to be rude to her in the trail or to laugh it off, this will not improve the situation in any way.
How do I end my first meeting?
You can end an acquaintance not only by taking a phone number, but also by a first date. An excellent option would be to invite the girl to a movie, cafe or any other institution, give flowers and continue communication in a cozy atmosphere.