Many of the parents are faced with such a problem as involuntary urination in a child during the daytime or nighttime sleep. Do not panic about this, and even more so reproach your baby for wet sheets, as the child may feel inferior and withdrawn into himself. Although up to 5-6 years of age, enuresis is considered the norm from a medical point of view. Therefore, you need to calm down and correctly approach the solution to this delicate problem.

For a start, it is advisable to put your child to bed no later than 22:00 pm so that the growing body can fully and calmly rest. Because when the baby goes to bed late, it falls into deep sleep and the resting brain cannot react to the signals of the body in time.
First, it's worth observing how much your child drinks before bed. If during the night's rest the baby is wet, then it is better to limit his drinking at night or replace tea or water with kefir or yogurt.
Second - you should regularly raise your child at night so that he goes to the pot. The kid should fully wake up and understand what you want from him. Otherwise, such lifts will not bring the desired result, because the brain of a sleeping child will not perceive these manipulations as a signal for action.
It is advisable to carry out night wakes at the same time, because over time, the baby's body will get used to this regime, and the child will get up to the toilet himself.
And if all these methods have not brought the desired result, then you should contact your local pediatrician. He will prescribe a comprehensive examination and will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.