Propolis is a resinous substance that bees collect from different plants and modify with their enzymes. Bees use propolis as a glue, for filling gaps in hives, adjusting the size of the entrance and mummification. But not only bees use propolis - it has proven to be beneficial for humans as well.

Propolis has a bitter taste; it is sticky to the touch, brown or brown in color. The color of propolis depends on which plants it is harvested from. Propolis from the steppes is predominantly brown in color, from deciduous forest - a yellowish-gray hue.
In order for propolis to retain its beneficial qualities, it must be stored in a clean and dark place, with an ambient temperature of no higher than 25 ° C.
A small number of bees are involved in collecting propolis from the entire hive. For a season from 1 hive, you can get from 50 to 150 g of propolis.
Propolis has high bactericidal properties, which is confirmed by scientific research. Propolis also suppresses the vital activity of viruses. Experts believe that the beneficial properties of propolis are enhanced when consumed with honey and royal jelly. In the human body, propolis helps cleanse cell membranes, remove excess cholesterol, and repair damaged tissue.
Since ancient times, propolis has been used to treat children. Propolis was placed on the umbilical wound of the newborn so that it would heal quickly and without the threat of infection. For the prevention of intestinal infections and diseases of the oral cavity in children, an aqueous infusion of propolis was also used.
Propolis, unlike other beekeeping products, gives a very small percentage of allergic reactions. But still, before starting treatment with propolis, you need to make an allergy test. To do this, a small piece of propolis is fixed with a plaster or bandage at the elbow. If after a while there is no itching and redness of the skin, then propolis can be used to treat a child.
Propolis treatment will perfectly complement the course of procedures for angina. If the child is able to gargle independently, then a gargle solution can be made from the propolis tincture. To prepare the solution, you need to take 10 drops of propolis tincture in ½ cup of warm water. Angina will pass faster if rinsing with propolis is done at least 3 times a day.
Small children are often worried about stomatitis. For the treatment of the disease, the oral cavity can be treated with a napkin dipped in an aqueous propolis extract.
Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract, that is, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, will pass in a shorter time if the child is given to chew propolis. It must be chewed for 3 hours a day, but not more than 5 g per day. With a runny nose in young children who cannot chew propolis, you can lubricate the nasal cavity with propolis oil in the morning and evening. For otitis media, cotton turunda with propolis oil are used. The turundochka is inserted into the sore ear at night and wrapped in a warm scarf.
Propolis oil is prepared in unsalted butter placed in an enamel bowl. Crushed and purified propolis is mixed with oil until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
For bronchitis, propolis can be inhaled. You need to breathe over an aqueous solution of propolis 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
To strengthen the immunity of children, you can use propolis tincture inside. The dose for a child is 1 drop per 1 year of life. For a 5-year-old baby, a single dose will be 5 drops, for a 10-year-old child - 10 drops per ½ glass of warm water or milk 30 minutes before meals.