How To Have First Dates

How To Have First Dates
How To Have First Dates

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The first date is always a big problem for both the girl and the boy. What to wear, where to go, how to behave in order to please. There are simple secrets, knowing which, you can spend the first date in such a way as to get the maximum pleasure from communicating with each other.

How to have first dates
How to have first dates


Step 1

First of all, decide where you will host your first meeting. If the weather permits, have a date outdoors: go to the park, walk the streets, sit in the park.

Step 2

If the first date falls in the winter, take the girl to the skating rink, and the snow-covered park is a good place to walk. Warn in advance that you will be walking on the street so that your new friend can dress warmly, and do not forget about the hat and gloves yourself. No need to "fashion", frozen and with a red nose, you will not look romantic.

Step 3

It will be more difficult if the weather is bad. In this case, make an appointment at a cafe. Choose an inexpensive but decent establishment. The musical accompaniment is also important: the music should not drown out your conversation, otherwise you will have to speak in a raised voice and listen to each other.

Step 4

On your first date, never get carried away with alcohol. Scare off the girl, and there will be no one to prove that you drank "for courage." The same advice applies to girls. Concerns even more than young men.

Step 5

Next, decide what topics you will touch upon during the first conversation. Leave the topics of health and wages “for later”, do not talk about your “ex” and do not ask the girl about the “past”. Talk about family, school, or work, but don't go into details. Talk less about yourself, ask more (but without intrusiveness). Show your genuine interest.

Step 6

Now a few words about how to behave on a first date. Be natural, do not pretend to be a superman, otherwise you will have a difficult time at the next meetings. The image will have to be maintained! And girls don't like braggart, don't complain. Do not try to shoulder all your problems on the shoulders of an unfamiliar girl. Believe me, she probably has enough of her own problems. Don't make long-term plans. You hardly know each other yet. What are your plans for the future? Moreover, do not count on sex. Again, you hardly know each other.

Step 7

And lastly, in order for your date to be a joy, you do not need to think over the program of this date to the smallest detail. Improvise.
