Anal sex can be great fun, but it's important to learn how to do it. First impressions can be different, but if you do everything right, then after a while you will discover an amazing world of new emotions.

Preparing for anal sex
It is better to prepare for anal sex in advance. Buy a specialty lubricant. It is a lubricant that reduces discomfort, prevents injury and also improves glide. You can buy it at a pharmacy or a sex shop. It is not recommended to use oil, cream. You can buy condoms for anal sex, they are also coated with a special compound, but even they need to be combined with a special tool.
Usually, before the first time, everyone is very worried. A small enema can be given to relieve this sensation. It will help cleanse the intestines, it will not be scary that something may look unaesthetic. But even without such a procedure, everything goes very easily. It is only important to take a shower in advance, it can even become a prelude.
First time instruction
So that the first time it does not hurt, you need to correctly develop the anus. Apply lubricant to it and start massaging. Usually this is done by an active partner, while the second participant simply relaxes and enjoys what is happening. Gradually, you can begin to insert one finger into the hole. All movements should be smooth. Make sure your nails are neatly trimmed. Place it in and out in a circular motion, gradually you need to begin to widen the passage. The next step is the introduction of the second finger, again very carefully. It will be necessary to insert a third one, so that later it will not hurt. Don't speed up.
Before continuing and starting the act itself, you need to choose a pose. The most popular is that when your partner gets up from behind, you can sit on top to independently adjust the depth and rhythm. Each couple will choose a solution for themselves, you need to be comfortable for both. In this case, the passive partner will perform the minimum number of movements for the first time, he must be relaxed.
If in the process a man is not in a hurry, does not produce strong shocks, but does everything slowly and smoothly, there will be no pain. At first, a strange impression appears that you want to go to the toilet, it is deceiving. You just need to be patient a little, and it will go away by itself. Pleasant feelings will not begin to appear immediately, you need to wait a little. The hole will expand in an optimal way, and then the process will go easier. The most important thing is not to shrink or strain.
Painful sensations can be, but only if the partner is in a hurry or the wrong position is chosen. Try a different angle, or have your couple act more gently. If it becomes completely unpleasant, you should stop this activity. Many people feel strange after the act, they have frequent urge to go to the toilet. This is also a temporary phenomenon. Usually after 3-4 practices such things go away. To get a taste of this activity, you need to do it not once, but several times. Of course, not in a row, but intermittently.