For absolutely every child who tries on the image of a student for the first time, this will be a great stress. He will experience all sorts of negative feelings, and indeed feelings of insecurity and fear will haunt him until he settles in a new team.

If for his parents life will remain almost the same as it was, then for the child it will turn in a new direction and will change abruptly. He will have a lot of responsibilities and concerns. It will no longer be possible to constantly do what he wants, it will not be possible to sleep as much as he wants, because now a school has appeared in his life and he has to go there every morning.
School visits will take a lot of your child's time and energy. After all, before that he had not done anything like that. At school, you will need to sit disciplinedly for at least several hours a day and, in addition, learn something new. A great burden will be placed on the child's physical and mental activity. If at home he did not strain mentally before, then now it will be very difficult for him. And subsequently, these causes can be catalysts for the emergence of health problems. He can withdraw into himself and he is 100% likely to develop stress.
Parental help
In the first months of school, parents of a first grader must carefully monitor the behavior and well-being of their child. If a new student has any changes in his behavior and character, then you need to take drastic actions to help the first grader. To do this, you need to eliminate what prevents him from settling in the school team. It is necessary to eradicate from him the insecurity and fear that have lodged in him.
Parents need to take the right action, and sincere conversation with their child may be fine. The child's mom and dad should be the first to start this dialogue, without waiting for the child to start it. If the first grader did it himself, then these problems have already taken a significant place in his life and he cannot cope with them on his own.
For a child, school is the same as work for an adult. Parents need to understand that children spend almost the same time at school as they do at work. And since the first grader is not yet used to this schedule at all, this is a very difficult test for him. It is difficult for him to grasp the very existence of the school and its essence. He cannot understand how it happened, because recently he enjoyed life and watched cartoons on TV whenever he wanted, and now he is forced to be at school and humbly sit in the classroom.
Children find it difficult to adjust to the school schedule due to the fact that everything is too disciplined there. After all, children are all completely different and they are brought up in different ways. One child can easily endure several hours of school time, while another can hardly sit for thirty minutes. It is also hard for them to sit in one place in silence.
To help a child, you need to explain to him that school is an obligatory stage in the life of every person. And that absolutely everyone went through this, both his parents and the parents of his parents. This should help the child with the fact that it is not so hard for him alone.
At first, so that it is not so difficult for the child, you cannot scold him for poor grades and poor disciplinary behavior. The child is not at all to blame for this, it would be better to draw parallels and remember what the parents themselves were like during their school years. Most likely, everyone had almost the same situation.
To make it easier for your child to deal with stress at school, you need to create a supportive atmosphere in the house in the morning. For example, you can make your child's favorite breakfast. However, in no case should you scold in the morning, as his school day will be ruined and most likely he will bring unsatisfactory grades home. At first, you should not pay attention to them, however, if in the future the estimates have not changed, then it will already be necessary to take this into account.