There is no precise definition of "good class". For some, this is a specialized class with in-depth study of subjects, for others - an individual approach to the child, and for others - a strict discipline. Determining the criteria for a good class follows from your preferences. Although a friendly atmosphere, psychological comfort and deep knowledge are essential features of a good class.

Above all, a good class should be learning-oriented. At the same time, it is important that children receive deep and lasting knowledge in a comfortable environment for themselves. To find out if a child is in a good class, you can turn to public opinion. To do this, you should find out the technical equipment of the class, the teaching staff, the performance of the students in the class as a whole, as well as their participation and victories in all kinds of Olympiads. At the same time, it must be remembered that the regalia of teachers does not always indicate their human qualities, and victories at the Olympiads of individual students - about the high educational level of the entire class.
Be sure to ask for the opinion of the class of students and their parents. After talking with a large number of people, you can learn about the pros and cons in the organization of the educational process, the advantages and disadvantages of teachers.
In many ways, the environment and atmosphere in the classroom depends on the teacher. Therefore, it is necessary to get to know the teachers and the class teacher personally. It is very important what style of upbringing is preached in the family (strict or democratic). A teacher with a similar approach to educational work will make the child feel more comfortable.
It is worth visiting the class at school break and see what the children are doing. Perhaps self-government is welcomed in the class or the patronage of high school students over younger students is accepted. All this disciplines and positively affects the child.
The design of the class, the presence of stands, visual aids, wall newspapers can tell a lot. Class traditions, joint activities (hiking, celebrating birthday people, etc.) speak about the solidarity of students.
Various educational programs are being introduced in schools. You should find out which of them is taught in the class where the child is studying. This can be the developmental training of the Zankov system, the “Rostok” program, or an ordinary traditional program. The child should be trained according to the system preferred by the parents.