How To Spend An Evening In Class?

How To Spend An Evening In Class?
How To Spend An Evening In Class?

Table of contents:


Evening is one of the widespread forms of organizing students' leisure time. How to properly organize such an event, how to make the evening interesting, rich and memorable?

How to spend an evening in class?
How to spend an evening in class?

It is necessary

scenario of the evening, prizes, audio equipment


Step 1

Schedule the time, venue and theme of the evening, what event it will be dedicated to. The most popular are: “Birthday Day” (evenings are held once every three months, in turn honoring autumn, winter, spring and summer birthday people), evenings dedicated to the celebration of any date: new year, carnival, February 23, March 8, etc..d. Graduation parties are organized in the grade at the end of elementary school, middle school and high school.

Step 2

Create or find a ready-made script for an upcoming event, taking into account the age of the students. For example, if you have an autumn day for a birthday boy in grade 5, its main stages may look like this: 1. Opening speech by the teacher to students and their parents. 2. Quiz on the topic: "Your horoscope." 3. Buffet. 4. Dances. Dance competition: "The most original dance".5. Birthday Gifts Craft Competition (students bring pre-made gifts) 6. Competition: "Birthday boy, show your dancing talent!" 7. Competition: "The most original photo on the theme:" Autumn time "(children and their parents are given the task in advance to take interesting photos on a given topic, and the teacher prepares a stand in advance for the best of them).eight. Dances. 9. Competition: "Who is the smartest here?", Teams "Children" and "Parents" are participating. 10. Closing remarks from the teacher.

Step 3

Decorate the room (with the help of students and their parents) for an evening in a style appropriate to the theme of the holiday. Discuss with the students their dress code for the event.

Step 4

Organize a "sweet table" with tea or a buffet in the evening. You can come up with a family competition for the most original pastries and then reward the winners with comic prizes.

Step 5

Include more children's songs in the music for the evening if it's an elementary school; more modern songs about school, about young people, if this is an older link.

Step 6

Diversify the content of the evening with various jokes, contests, quizzes. Leave time for dancing and drinking tea.

Step 7

Involve parents in the event, encourage them to take action on the holiday. You can assign the roles of parents, someone will be a photographer or videographer, someone will be responsible for the buffet table, etc.

Step 8

Keep order at the evening, you can invite someone from the school administration, this contributes to more discipline.

Step 9

Prepare gifts, surprises, crafts for contests in advance, together with the children and their parents.
