The first impression can only be made once. How not to spoil it? Of course, you should not completely adjust to other people's expectations, but there are points that should still be observed.
Step 1
Decide for what purpose you are going on a date. Is it looking for a life partner or just flirting? In the first case, a more serious approach to business is required. In clothes, you should give preference to a dress or a set with a skirt. A woman in trousers is subconsciously perceived as a rival. Too open the top of a dress or blouse, a short skirt and bright makeup usually mean for a man that a woman is too approachable. Also, do not use evening scents in perfume, especially in large quantities. For each person, scents evoke their own associations, and some men simply cannot stand the smell of perfume.
Step 2
You can agree on a date plan on the spot. At least this way you will understand how resourceful your man is and how capable of taking care of a woman. If excuses start like “everything is expensive everywhere” and you face the prospect of spending the whole evening on a park bench, especially in the cold season, then the meeting can be ended there.
Step 3
The other extreme is when you are confronted with the fact that “today we are going to fight without rules” (or to football), but you cannot stand such a spectacle. It is unlikely that such a man will compromise and go to the classical music concert, adored by you, but hated by him. So in this case, it is better to politely say goodbye (unless, of course, you are so interested in this man that you are ready to follow him to the ends of the world).
Step 4
Make an appointment or arrange an evening in a cafe, especially since almost any man can afford it. During a date, listen carefully to what he says and how. If he wants to please you, he will talk a lot about himself, shower you with compliments, the character of which will tell you what purpose he is pursuing towards you. The one who has taken place in life will talk about his achievements, and the loser will only talk about his plans. The mention of the word "mom" almost every five minutes should alert you: in front of you, most likely, "mama's son", for whom the interests of his parent will always come first, and you will not achieve close contact with him.
Step 5
Remember: you are also listened to carefully and conclusions are drawn. Do not brag about your success with men, otherwise he will think that you are too available. Continuous female "chirping" can irritate the gentleman. But you don't need to behave like a partisan during interrogation. With a lack of firsthand information, a person can fantasize anything himself, and in these fantasies you will not always look dignified.
Step 6
Everyone can pay on a date for himself, but do not get caught up in petty gigolos complaints about the "wallet left at home" and sudden troubles that fell on his head right before the meeting. A real man will not "burden" a woman with his problems, especially of a financial nature.