Propolis is a unique remedy that can help fight many childhood diseases. In addition, it has no side effects and does not irritate the internal organs of the child. But in order for propolis to benefit the baby, it is necessary to use it correctly.

Step 1
Test for allergic reactions before giving propolis to your child. To do this, lubricate the crease of the crumbs with propolis tincture and leave. If the next day there is no allergy, repeat the procedure again. If after that everything goes well, you can start giving the baby propolis, starting with small dosages, gradually increasing them.
Step 2
Propolis tincture should be given to the child in the following quantity: 1 drop of the tincture for each year of life. For example, for a three-year-old baby, dilute 3 drops of propolis tincture in 1 teaspoon of warm water and give it 3 times a day before each meal. The course of admission is 5-10 days. This recipe is suitable for a 10% propolis tincture purchased at a pharmacy or prepared on your own.
Step 3
To make propolis tincture at home, take 5 grams of raw material for 50 milliliters of 75% alcohol (or 45 milliliters of 96% alcohol). Cut the propolis into small pieces, cover with alcohol and leave in a dark place for 10 days, shaking the jar daily. Then strain the infusion and store in the refrigerator.
Step 4
For the treatment of bronchitis and asthma in children, boil 1 liter of milk, add 50-70 grams of crushed propolis, mix thoroughly for 7-10 minutes, then strain through 4-5 layers of gauze napkin and pour into a glass dish. After cooling, remove the wax layer from the surface. Give the resulting infusion to the child 2-3 times a day, 1 tablespoon 40 minutes after eating. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, this solution can be used for 4 weeks.
Step 5
To treat angina in children, mix 1 tablespoon of propolis tincture with 3 tablespoons of pharmacy glycerin. Lubricate the child's throat with a cotton swab dipped in this composition 3-4 times. After this procedure, you can not eat or drink for 20 minutes.
Step 6
Before using propolis, be sure to consult your pediatrician.