Is It Possible For Children To Give Valerian

Is It Possible For Children To Give Valerian
Is It Possible For Children To Give Valerian

Restless behavior, whims and unreasonable crying of a child are always a reason for parents to worry. And sometimes, after a prolonged hysteria of the child, they are ready to take more serious measures than a glass of warm water, kind words and hugs. But when it comes to sedatives for a child, even such simple ones as valerian, the question arises, is it possible for a child to use these remedies?

Is it possible for children to give valerian
Is it possible for children to give valerian

Valerian and children: what they write in the instructions

One of the most affordable and well-known sedatives is produced in two forms. First, an infusion of valerian root. The instructions for use for this drug clearly indicate the age limit - from 12 years old, most likely due to the alcohol content. The second dosage form is tablets. There is also an indication in the instructions for them - it is possible to prescribe to children over one year old. So parents who decide, after consulting a neurologist or at their own risk and peril, to give a baby valerian, should clearly understand what adverse consequences they may face. Among the side effects of valerian of any dosage form: headache and dizziness, general weakness, drowsiness, abdominal pain. Especially often, these consequences occur with prolonged use in large doses. A contraindication to the use of valerian for people of any age group is the individual intolerance of the components of the drug, or rather, the powder of the root of the plant of the same name. It is extremely rare, but there are cases of allergic reactions, in children they are acute, up to angioedema.

Interestingly, the instructions for the pills do not say anything about the dosage depending on the age or weight of the child. In general, neuropathologists recommend giving ¼ pills to children under 6 years of age, and ½ before meals.

The unexpected effect of valerian

Parents of restless or hyperactive children decide to take anti-anxiety medications after consulting a neurologist. Those who do not need regular medication on the child's nervous system sometimes think about it. Many mothers, for example, are interested in whether it is worth giving their child valerian before the flight, so that he can react more calmly to the unfamiliar atmosphere, the hustle and bustle at the airport, and loud noises during takeoff and landing. The opinion of experts on this topic is almost unanimous - it is better to refuse sedatives, because the reaction of a particular baby to medications can be completely unexpected. Often, after taking valerian, the child does not calm down, but, on the contrary, becomes excited, begins to scream, and actively move. Therefore, in an emergency, it is better to prefer predictable crying and tears than uncontrollable behavior.

The opposite effect of valerian is typical for young children, usually after 6-7 years, a strengthened nervous system reacts to a sedative more predictably.

Alternative to valerian

Many pediatricians and pediatric neurologists believe that regular sedation can be avoided in most cases. If a child behaves well throughout the day, but every night before bedtime he throws a tantrum, it is probably not because of the weakness of his nervous system, but something needs to be changed in the child's life and daily routine. As an alternative to medicines, long walks, proper nutrition, especially in the evening, massage, and calm water procedures are used. And the pill of valerian is more needed by the mother, so that she can deal with the baby and his health without unnecessary nerves.
