Is It Possible To Give Birth To 6 Children At A Time

Is It Possible To Give Birth To 6 Children At A Time
Is It Possible To Give Birth To 6 Children At A Time

Pregnancy for most women is an expected and happy event, but it happens that it turns out to be multiple. Most often, a woman with multiple pregnancies gives birth to twins or triplets, but is it possible to give birth to six children at once?

Is it possible to give birth to 6 children at a time
Is it possible to give birth to 6 children at a time

All about multiple pregnancies

Multiple pregnancy is a condition in which two or more embryos develop in the uterus at the same time. The body of a woman with multiple pregnancies requires very close attention to itself, therefore, a future mother with many children should treat it with full responsibility. She must observe a special daily regimen and diet, as well as undergo prevention of possible complications. Children born as a result of multiple pregnancies are called identical or fraternal twins.

Simultaneous maturation from two or more eggs occurs both in one and in two female ovaries at once.

The causes of multiple pregnancies are most often several factors, which include maternal heredity and in vitro fertilization, in which all eggs implanted in a woman's uterus take root and develop. In addition, multiple pregnancies can develop as a result of ovulation stimulation by hormones that cause increased ovarian function, as well as with uterine abnormalities, represented by its bicornuate or the presence of an intrauterine septum. And finally, the development of two or more fetuses causes the abolition of hormonal contraceptives after their long-term use.

Sixfold pregnancy

The most prolific pregnancy reliably known to doctors was nine children, several of whom were born alive, but died in childhood. Subsequently, it became known about the birth of seven and eight twins - in each case, only a few children survived from pregnancy. Six Indian twins are the first children to survive.

Now in England there are two sixes of twins born in 1983 and 1986, and two more "sixes" live in Italy and South Africa.

Today, the birth of six children is quite possible, since in recent years the quality of obstetric services and pediatric therapy, as well as the necessary medical equipment, has increased significantly. Today, doctors can successfully deliver a woman with multiple pregnancies and save children who were born even fourteen weeks ahead of schedule, whereas they did not try to save such babies before, considering the situation completely hopeless.
