Cocoa is a drink that most people associate with childhood. Knowing about its health benefits and divine taste, I want to treat the baby with this delicacy as early as possible.

What are the benefits of cocoa?
First, you need to consider what is useful for the growing body of the Mayan drink. Cocoa powder is high in protein, fiber and vitamins. It is especially rich in folic acid, which the body needs during periods of rapid growth. In addition, cocoa contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are needed to build cell membranes. They also lower blood cholesterol levels. For children with anemia, cocoa will be beneficial as a source of iron. Contains this drink and zinc, which is beneficial for the growing body.
Do not forget about plant antioxidants - flavonoids, including the most valuable of them eticatechin. Epicatechin improves cerebral circulation and short-term memory, regulates blood pressure. Flavonoids are also able to regenerate body cells.
Tryptophan and phenylethylamine are euphoric trace minerals that increase endurance and pain tolerance. Magnesium is involved in building bones, relaxing muscles, and helping to cope with stress. The natural pigment melanin helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.
Of course, all of the above beneficial properties apply only to natural cocoa powder, and not to instant analogs such as "Nesquik".
And finally, cocoa tastes great, which is important for any child.
What is the harm?
Cocoa contains large amounts of theobromine, a substance similar in composition and action to caffeine. It is not dangerous to health, but it is precisely because of the theobromine that cocoa is not recommended for children under three years of age.
For children prone to allergic reactions, cocoa should be drunk with caution, as this drink contains more than 40 aromatic compounds that are potential allergens. Do not forget that cocoa is a high-calorie product and children who are prone to overweight should not be offered it too often.
How to drink cocoa?
Thus, children from 2-3 years old can drink cocoa, no more than 100 ml per day, 3-4 times a week. To prepare a drink, boil 100 ml of milk, mix a teaspoon of cocoa powder and a teaspoon of sugar, dilute with a small amount of hot milk until a homogeneous gruel is formed. Then pour in the remaining milk and stir thoroughly. Bring to a boil and turn off.
Children 6 - 7 years old can increase the amount of the drink to 150-200 ml.