Cocoa is one of the most ancient drinks, prepared by the Aztecs. Cocoa has been proven to be incredibly healthy, but can a 2-year-old child drink it? Are there any substances in the composition of cocoa that can harm a completely unformed body?

Cocoa is undoubtedly useful, but only if it is introduced into the child's diet in a timely manner, he uses it in dosage, not more than the volume recommended by medical specialists. So at what age can a baby be introduced to this wonderful, tasty and healthy drink?
From what age can cocoa be introduced into the child's diet?
Pediatricians recommend starting to drink cocoa for a child no earlier than 2 years old. This is due to the fact that the drink is saturated with a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins, and at an earlier age, the body may simply not cope, react with an allergic reaction and digestive disorders.
Cocoa is gradually introduced into the diet of a 2-year-old child. It should not become a familiar, daily delicacy. Cocoa can be a delicious dessert, a kind of pleasant surprise for the baby. The drink can complement the following dishes:
- porridge on the water,
- vegetable puree,
- fruit puddings.
At such an early age, you cannot buy ready-made cocoa for your child, which does not require cooking. Advertising slogans on the packaging that the drink is quick to prepare and contains many useful substances should not become a determining factor when choosing cocoa! Babies 2 years old can use a drink made from cocoa powder in natural milk with low fat content.
Why is cocoa useful for a 2-year-old child
The drink contains not only vitamins, but also many other useful substances. It has been scientifically proven that it can raise the mood, reduce the baby's hyperactivity, child aggression, due to the content in the composition of substances that stimulate the production of endorphins.
Polyunsaturated fats help the child's body eliminate cholesterol from food. If a 2-year-old loves chips and cannot walk past the supermarket shelf with them, you can allow him to eat, but add a glass of cocoa to them.
With a dry cough, cocoa will help suppress the reflex, bring relief. Active biological compounds in its composition will increase mental activity, help to distract from the disease and quickly recover.
It is simply impossible to count all the useful properties of cocoa for a 2-year-old child. But before introducing the drink into the baby's diet, it is better to consult with the pediatrician who observes him from birth.