Is It Possible To Give Enterosgel To Babies

Is It Possible To Give Enterosgel To Babies
Is It Possible To Give Enterosgel To Babies

Enterosgel is a pharmaceutical preparation capable of absorbing compounds toxic to the body, as well as removing them. This product is widely used to treat dysbiosis, allergies and poisoning. For babies, "Enterosgel" is prescribed, as a rule, when diathesis, jaundice or dysbiosis occurs. However, it is worth considering that the treatment of the baby with this sorbent should be carried out according to the doctor's recommendations.

Is it possible to give Enterosgel to a baby
Is it possible to give Enterosgel to a baby

As a rule, Enterosgel is prescribed for newborns and children of the first year of life due to the fact that they often suffer from allergies, which are characterized by rashes all over the body and red cheeks in the child. Also, allergic dermatitis manifests itself in the form of dry skin and peeling, the manifestation of diaper rash in the gluteal and axillary folds, prickly heat and hives.

Very often, food allergy in newborns is accompanied by the development of enterocolitis. This is due to the fact that the intake of the allergen mainly occurs through the digestive system, which leads to the regurgitation of food by the baby and the development of abdominal pain in him. Enterosgel is considered an absolutely harmless medicine and has no contraindications for use. It reduces the severity of the disease while maintaining the best balance within the body. In addition, Enterosgel helps to improve the functioning of all internal organs, which invariably determines its many-sided beneficial effects, namely: combating allergies, increasing immunity, eliminating cholesterol, and so on.

Enterosgel in the treatment of allergies in infants

The main direction of therapy is considered to be the termination of the entry of the irritant into the body of the newborn. If artificial or mixed feeding is used, then it is necessary to completely replace cow's milk with hypoallergenic mixtures. If natural feeding of the baby is present, then the mother should not eat those foods that can cause allergies in the baby. Symptomatic treatment of this disease consists in taking antiallergic drugs both locally and internally. Of no small importance is the expulsion of the allergen from the digestive tract with the help of enterosorbents. Choosing the drug "Enterosgel", you can be sure that it will help a fragile baby to successfully cope with foreign antigens that have entered his body. This sorbent even helps to eliminate the yellowness of the baby's skin. Thus, the use of Enterosgel is very effective, since it reduces the load on the child's body and helps to get rid of bilirubin. True, together with this drug, pediatricians often recommend giving babies probiotics that populate their digestive system and prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

How to give Enterosgel to a baby

As a rule, the dosage of this sorbent can be found using the instructions attached to it, which describes in detail the dosage in accordance with the age of the baby. Usually, newborns are given the drug 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. In this case, the duration of therapy is about three weeks. Studies have shown that the use of "Enterosgel" for hepatitis, within a short time in infants, the level of bilirubin in the blood decreased by 5 times, and in case of allergies, such therapy made the skin of babies clear in a few days. Given these facts, we can safely say that this drug can be given to infants.
