Strong family relationships are based not only on love and mutual respect, but also on frankness. It is believed that a husband and wife cannot have secrets from each other. Nevertheless, anything can happen in life. For example, a husband commits an unseemly act that he is ashamed to admit to his wife. Or a spouse has a difficult situation at work, which she does not want to tell her beloved about, so as not to worry him. The second "half", nevertheless, instinctively feels: something is wrong, begins to worry, worry.

Step 1
First of all, do not demand an answer in a categorical, ultimatum form, do not resort to reproaches. And, of course, refrain from accusations: "I am nervous because of you, I imagine the worst thing, but you don't care what kind of selfish you are." By doing this, you will only anger your lover and receive a counter reproach: your soul is already disgusting, and here, in your own house, your nerves are shaking. And the matter, most likely, will come to a serious quarrel, and you do not want such an outcome at all.
Step 2
Instead, take an opportune moment and talk to your husband. Calmly, politely, using approximately the following words: “I'm not blind, I see that something is wrong with you. It scares me, I am worried about our family. We are not strangers. Please tell me what happened? I promise, I will neither cry, nor reproach, nor climb with advice. With this approach, the husband will almost certainly repent of the unseemly act and ask his wife for forgiveness.
Step 3
The conversation can be conducted in a slightly harsher tone. Remind your husband that when you married, you promised each other to be together, to share both joys and sorrows. Therefore, if he stubbornly hides the cause of his concern from you, his behavior can be regarded as mistrust and disrespect for you. Did you give a reason for this? Try to speak politely, but with a distinct note of resentment.
Step 4
You can also act in a roundabout way, making inquiries with his friends. In most cases, women's intuition will tell you: do they really know nothing or are trying to keep a secret entrusted to them. Well, then it’s a matter of technology. We must try to convince them that you are tormented by the unknown, you are all worn out, go crazy with anxiety for your beloved husband, but he stubbornly does not tell you anything. Friends after that will probably carry out educational work, explaining to her husband that he is simply acting cruelly. And recognition will not be long in coming.
Step 5
Whether to forgive the unseemly act of her husband, each wife decides for herself, based on many factors. First of all, how great is the degree of this very unseemly. But if a person sincerely repented and promised to draw all the necessary conclusions, it is better to show generosity.