Multiple orgasm is the pinnacle of pleasure. Not every woman can experience this pleasure. For some ladies, the ability to multiple orgasms is inherent in nature itself. They do not require special training. However, almost every woman can learn to achieve multiple orgasms.

Step 1
The psychological attitude plays a huge role. To learn how to experience multiple orgasms, you need to attune yourself to it. A woman must believe that she is capable of this. She needs to discard all the complexes that are firmly entrenched in her head, and be open to affection, learn to feel relaxed. During sex, you need to learn how to switch to the process itself, discarding all extraneous thoughts from your head.
Step 2
To achieve multiple orgasm, you need to continue fondling after the first orgasm. It all depends on the skill of the partner and the degree of relaxation of the partner. After orgasm, a woman's erogenous zones become more sensitive, so a man should be extremely careful not to overdo it with affection and not cause discomfort to his partner.
Step 3
To achieve multiple orgasm, you need to be in the closest possible contact with your partner all the time. A man should actively caress the woman's neck, chest, lips and legs. After ejaculation, a man should try to stay in his partner as long as possible, continuing to gently arouse her.
Step 4
G-spot stimulation can also help you achieve multiple orgasms. You need to continue to caress this point after the first orgasm. A man should carefully monitor his partner's reaction. His caresses should not be rude and monotonous. You should practice for some time, perhaps even ask your woman to tell you which manipulations turn her on the most. With proper stimulation of the G-spot, multiple orgasms are guaranteed for the partner.
Step 5
A woman should train the muscles of the vagina so that they are always in good shape. To train the muscles of the vagina, you can practice a set of Kegel exercises or use Taoist techniques.
Step 6
It takes time to achieve multiple orgasms. A woman should not be distracted by anything. She needs to completely relax and surrender to her feelings.