The real scourge of modern society is the decline of family values and numerous divorces. It is necessary to clearly understand how to protect yourself from this scourge.

The dynamics of modern life forces us to move forward all the time, to learn something, to overcome something - in general, not to stand still. Change happens daily, sometimes hourly. Nothing is immutable, permanent and stable. And if it concerns the business sphere, then it is still permissible, but in his personal life it interferes, taking a lot of time and effort.
Endless acquaintances, connections, marriages, divorces. Someone may say, a person is in search of his half, the second "I", but this is just a stupid waste of time. To break this vicious circle, to stop the infernal wheel is a task of tasks. Women who marry many times, and men who consider their marriages as orders of special merit - this is no longer fashionable, and, for the most part, it has never been.
So, how can you protect yourself from recklessness in choosing a partner, and subsequently - an erroneous spouse?
1. In amorous affairs, intuitive perception is the most reliable adviser. Even at the moment when the heart is seized by passion, love, the desire to be with a partner forever, it would not hurt to listen to your secret adviser. The slightest manifestation of intuition (in the form of fleeting melancholy, uncertainty, strange anxiety) indicates that this object is cute, but you definitely do not need to marry him. The real half does not cause such emotions.
2. If the tables have already been laid, the guests have gathered in full force, the host of the celebration nervously drives his eyes along the text, the musicians straighten their tuxedos, and the flower buds have opened and exude delicate aromas - all to hell! The slightest tremor is nothing but the beginning of the end. And this is not the proverbial pre-wedding excitement. The ability to say "No" if at the very last moment the realization of the choice error came. Even if the costs are high and the guests are offended, there is nothing worse than a mistake in choosing a partner.
3. Not to be afraid of loneliness is the lot of a self-sufficient person. Why a random fellow traveler, will there be less melancholy with him ?! Isn't it better to be bored alone than to be bored together ?! The absence of these fears, the unwillingness to act "by typing" because of dubious anxiety to miss your soul mate, and being in a confident state will not allow the next stamp, famously put by the registry office employee, to appear in the passport.
4. Born offspring from an accidental, short-lived and erroneous union is always a problem, both for the union itself and for this offspring. In a family where there is no absolute love, there is no harmoniously developing young growth. Better not the quantity, but the quality of the offspring born in the correct union.
5. Soul and heart is not a public bath. Exposure is acceptable only once and for all. And to the right and to the left, the promises and declarations of love handed out devalue this very magical feeling. Always turning on the mind like the red color of a semaphore will lower the barrier and close the passage to the holy of holies - soul and heart.