A wedding is a union of two people who have made the decision to live together their whole lives. It's not just an agreement to be there, it is a guarantee that everyone is ready to work on the relationship, that everyone wants to be there for the rest of the days. But it can be difficult for men to decide on such an act.

Marriage imposes a number of obligations and restrictions. It is important not only to register, but also to take responsibility for your beloved woman and common children. At the same time, there are no guarantees that everything will turn out harmoniously, and thousands of examples of negative alliances are proof of this. Why is this rite necessary?
Wedding in the eyes of a woman
Today, many people agree to a civil marriage. At the same time, the couple lives together, enjoys the closeness of each other, but does not officially register what is happening. At the same time, each side performs the functions of a wife or husband, but mentally does not consider itself limited. It is women in such relationships that already believe that they are "wives", while men more often emphasize their independence.
If everything in life is harmonious, if everyday life suits and there are no serious conflicts, a woman begins to think about a wedding. She hints or says directly that she is ready to continue. At the same time, she requires guarantees that the man will protect and support her throughout her life. For a girl, going to the registry office is a guarantee of safety. After all, a man does not just put a signature, but in front of all relatives and friends confirms that he loves and is always ready to be there.
Having children in marriage is much more convenient for any woman than in other relationships. She understands that her offspring are even protected by law and can count on a share of the property. Also, a man is obliged to support financially and morally, if suddenly the relationship does not work out. Legality and safety are two criteria that women associate with stability in a woman's head. If you give her this, she will perceive reality much more calmly.
To marry or not
Men are usually afraid of marriage. Each has its own reasons, but several of the most common can be distinguished. First, doubts about feelings for a partner, uncertainty that this girl is the best option. Secondly, the unwillingness to take responsibility for the woman and children, an undeveloped psychological type that cannot yet take such steps. Thirdly, the fear of marriage, since life afterwards seems limited and boring.
You need to understand why you doubt the advisability of this act. Admit to yourself what exactly is holding you back from making a decision. If you have doubts about a relationship, then you don't need to go further. If the matter is in some fears, in the unwillingness to make a decision, you need to work with it. Explain to your woman what is the reason for doubts, discuss all the nuances. You may even have to consult a psychologist to decide everything.
And before proposing, talk to your woman about marriage. Find out how everyone views this agreement, what is behind this concept. It is necessary to enter into an alliance only when the rules are precisely stipulated, when everyone understands what to expect from this step.