It is believed that precious, semi-precious and even ornamental stones are talismans and amulets for people. Which stones patronize a person depends on which zodiac sign he was born under. Scorpio is no exception.

Step 1
From the entire list of gemstones that officially include: emerald, diamond, alexandrite, amber, pearls, ruby and sapphire born under the sign of Scorpio from October 24 to November 22, only emerald and alexandrite are suitable. And even then only those of them who were born in the last decade of this period - from November 14 to 22. The rest of the mascot stones of this zodiac sign are semiprecious. These are stones that enhance energy, protect against misfortune and bring good luck in all endeavors.
Step 2
For Scorpios born in the first decade from October 24 to November 2, astrologers recommend wearing a serpentine, malachite, a kind of quartz - tiger's eye, malachite, hematite, amethyst, blood jasper or rock crystal. Those born during this period are under the auspices of the planet Mars. These are people who are not afraid of difficulties, believe in their own strength and are very energetic.
Step 3
To these qualities, those who were born from November 3 to 13, add romanticism and sentimentality, sincerity, spontaneity, nobility and kindness. Scorpions born during this period are patronized by the Sun itself. Their non-precious talismanic stones are: amethyst, turquoise, sardonyx and coral. It is desirable that these stones be set in gold, which increases the magical power of such a talisman and enhances those beautiful character traits that these people possess.
Step 4
Venus is considered the patroness of Scorpios born from November 14 to 22. This influences their character, complex and contradictory. These are people who are distinguished by their amorousness, who value beauty, but at the same time have firm principles and beliefs, it is very difficult for them to be led astray. As a rule, thanks to these character traits, those born during this period often achieve what they want, despite all the obstacles. Beryl, pomegranate, aquamarine, topaz or heliodor will help them in this.
Step 5
The choice of the stone that is right for you should be done not only taking into account the date of birth, but also taking into account what properties the stone itself has. So, hematite should be worn by passionate people, so that it makes them more judicious and cold-blooded. The tiger's eye is necessary for those Scorpios who are at a crossroads - it strengthens intuition and protects against deception and theft. It will strengthen intuition and topaz, in addition, it will protect its owner from outside evil influences and attempts to manipulate him. Coral will help you see the beauty of the world around you and get rid of bad mood and depression.