You've probably come across such a situation when at the sight of a certain person you have feelings of euphoria, everything in your head immediately gets confused, and butterflies fly in your stomach. If so, you have felt the first signs of falling in love.

Sympathy or love?
So you decided you fell in love. But still you need to think, falling in love - what is this feeling? After all, love is pretty serious. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish falling in love from ordinary sympathy. Sympathy is a feeling when you like a person's appearance, his form, facial features, eyes, smile, that is, everything that you can see with your own eyes. Falling in love is a feeling when you like absolutely everything in a person. You are sure that it has no shortcomings. Later, this feeling develops into true love. If you have thought it over and realized that you are ready for something more than simple correspondence and calls, take action. But before you tell a person about your feelings, you need to know that these are not empty words, and they carry really serious consequences.
Sooner or later, you will get tired of just giving a person compliments, caring for him, you will want to move to a new level, be loved and give your love. Declaration of love is a rather painful process that can last for weeks or months. It all depends on your determination. You will prepare your speech for a long time, think over every little thing that will happen to you at this exciting moment. It is best not to delay with this question, because while you are waiting for that moment, someone else may appear next to your significant other, who will be ahead of you. Know that you will not do anything perfectly anyway, since you will not be able to think through all the most important details. The main thing is not to be too intrusive, as such people quickly get bored.
Offer the subject of your adoration a date. If the person cannot do this at a certain time, just tell them that you will write to them later. When you do make an appointment, you will look forward to it, counting the days. Then, about an hour before the meeting, you will feel excitement and the closer the time to the meeting, the more your excitement increases.
Despite the feeling of panic, never give up on the date. Nobody likes indecisive people because they are unreliable. The fact that you will be nervous is all natural, the words will get confused, everything will go around in your head. So as not to worry so much, take a deep breath and start counting the numbers. Take courage and tell the person about your feelings and intentions. Do it calmly, without unnecessary emotions. Once you express your feelings, you will clearly feel better. Just be prepared for the fact that you may not be given your consent to a relationship, because it does not always happen that a person has reciprocal feelings for you.
First of all, prepare the ground for the conversation. Start speaking with an introductory phrase so as not to suddenly overwhelm the other person. Surely, if you do everything correctly and carefully, the person will not give a negative reaction to your proposal. If, having met a person, you immediately tell him: "I love you and want to be with you," confused, he can answer you with an unequivocal "no" or even say a lot of different nonsense.
Remember that whatever your confession, it is important to keep yourself in hand. Having coped with yourself, you will be able to fully control the situation and avoid unpleasant consequences after telling about your intentions.