Sometimes it is difficult to share your experiences, problems and feelings with loved ones, or tell them about your decision, plans for the future. However, there are ways that can help you easily and without shocks tell family or people you like about your intentions.

Step 1
If you are planning to tell your loved one something serious, try to prepare him in advance for future conversation so that he is not overwhelmed by what you hear. To do this, tell him in advance that you want to talk with him. You can also indicate the topic of the conversation. Choose a meeting time and place that is convenient for both of you.
Step 2
Try to get your thoughts in order right before the conversation. Play the words you are about to say in your mind. If you have a bad memory or are anxious, make a short outline of the speech.
Step 3
If you are not very straightforward, first hint your relative or loved one about the subject of the conversation. Perhaps the theme will receive a continuation from him. Maintain the conversation, in no case be silent. When communicating with people, you need to achieve maximum openness.
Step 4
Explain why you want to make a particular decision. Provide logical or emotional reasons and reasons. If the interlocutor does not agree with the stated intention, ask him to enter your position, to feel the thoughts that overwhelm you. Tell about your desires, but do not forget to find out what the other party wants as well. It is important that your dreams and plans for the future coincide.
Step 5
If you find it difficult to talk about your desires in person, try to do it over the phone. Call a dear person and tell about your plans. Try to understand from the emotional reaction whether she liked the voiced decision.
Step 6
It's even easier to express intent in writing. Moreover, with the help of modern technologies, you can even do this anonymously, for example, by sending an e-mail over the Internet. If the message touches the addressee, you will surely soon find out his opinion on this issue.
Step 7
Do not be upset if your decision was not supported by the other side. Try to change your behavioral tactics or get distracted by some other business or problem.