Food is a very important part of a person's life, especially in childhood. It is enough to remember yourself and your friends: when adults are worried or nervous, they can absorb food in large quantities, or, on the contrary, say that "a piece does not fit in the throat." That is, the response to stress is different for everyone. The same happens with a child.

The changes associated with the beginning of a child's going to kindergarten are stressful for him. And children react to this stress in different ways. Someone begins to say that he is hungry very often, despite the fact that he recently ate. Other children, on the other hand, start to eat very little. This should be taken into account by both parents and educators.
It is possible that the change in the child's attitude to food may be caused by the desire to receive an additional portion of attention from the parents. In this case, the problem will be solved if the parents spend more time with the child. You can play with him, read a book, or just take a walk and talk about everything in the world. These precious minutes will cheer up the child, his condition will return to normal. Accordingly, the appetite will improve.
Problems can arise for other reasons as well. The child may well be just accustomed by the parents to a certain menu. And the change in the menu associated with the kindergarten may be unusual for a child. Then it is worthwhile to sometimes start cooking dishes at home, similar to those that children eat in the kindergarten. The child will perceive food at home more loyal, and having got used to its taste, he will be able to eat it in the kindergarten without any problems.
In any case, parents should not panic and think that the child is malnourished and this threatens him with some kind of horror. If a child is really hungry, then he will eat something, this is how the body works. And persuasion or even threats may well discourage a child's interest in food. Or the habit of eating in excess may form, simply because "it is necessary." This is nothing good, except for being overweight and health problems in the future for the child.