The admission of a child to kindergarten is a whole event in the life of a family. During this period, a situation often arises when you have to deal with a decrease in the child's appetite. Many children who eat very well at home categorically refuse to eat in kindergarten, thereby driving mothers to a heart attack, and teachers to a nervous breakdown. Teaching a child to eat in kindergarten takes a lot of effort, both for parents and staff.

Step 1
First, you need to bring your home diet closer to kindergarten. It is necessary to switch to it gradually, the feeding time should be shifted by 10-15 minutes. An abrupt change in schedule can cause food refusal. The kindergarten diet must be adhered to until school.
Step 2
The child's menu should be as close as possible to the diet of the kindergarten. He should know what borscht, casseroles, compotes, jelly are. When cooking, do not try to abuse various sauces, spices, spices, mayonnaise. Try to avoid snacks between meals. You can reduce the calorie content of some dishes, which can lead to an increase in appetite over time.
Step 3
The reason children refuse to eat in kindergarten may be the inability to eat with a spoon. Once in preschool, the child should be able to hold the spoon correctly and drink gently from the cup. Teach him to eat on his own.
Step 4
You can agree with the baby about a simple rule: "If you don't feel like eating, eat as many spoons as you are." Often, the child does not like the appearance of the proposed dish, but after a few spoons, some will taste.
Step 5
Play with your child in kindergarten, for example, "Canteen". Tell us about the work of a cook who tries very hard for all the kids. Or "Katya, who didn't eat in kindergarten." Explain that children spend a lot of energy while playing and that they need to eat to keep from getting sick.
Step 6
Use a competitive technique. "Today you ate three spoons of soup, but I bet you will eat more than four tomorrow?"
Step 7
It happens that by refusing to eat, the child expresses his protest - against the teacher, whom he does not like, against the indifference of the parents who "sent him to kindergarten", against the children with whom it is difficult for him to get along. In this case, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this protest and try to eliminate them, up to transferring to another group.
Step 8
But in any case, psychologists do not recommend making the child eat, but resorting to little tricks. For example, arrange a competition who will have the empty plate, read a fairy tale to the children while eating, appoint the one who is the best to eat as the person on duty, make the problem child the main one at the table and entrust him to look after other children, showing by personal example how to eat …