Sometimes parents do not have time to find a name for a child's birthday. According to statistics, this is 20% of families. Some people cannot come to a consensus. Some people like one name, another like another, and grandparents like a third. And everyone thinks that the name they choose is perfect for the child.

Fashion for names
Often, when choosing a name, parents are led by fashion. Of course, every parent wants to choose the best name for their child. Friends, television, radio, the Internet indicate that this or that name is in vogue now. How to be? We must remember that with the chosen name, the child will live his whole life and "fashion" is completely inappropriate here.

Rare names
Many of the parents, distracting from all the advice, try to find a rare name. By this, they want in advance to distinguish their child from the mass of children who will surround him.
Where do rare and unusual names come from? Some of them -. Call children by the names of great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers (Martha, Aglaya, Demid, Avdotya). becomes new and rare. These names in Russia include - Miroslav, Yaromir, Tayana, Bogdan, Yaroslava.
Sometimes parents. This is how the names Svetlana and Stella were formed in due time. New can, which they decided to immortalize. Such examples are Astra, Mira, Zarya, Vladlen, Vilen. The rare ones include those that are not characteristic of a particular country - Laura, Madeleine, Monica, Martha, Bertha, etc.

Parents, giving a name to a child, want to invest in it what they would like to see in their child. Girls are called beautiful such as Zabava, Lyubava, Bozena, Martha. Believers. Such rare names as Pelageya, Seraphima, Zoryana, Anisya, John, Agafya, Makariya, Lukerya, Patricia, Rusalina, Tsvetana, Yarin, Augustine, Alda, and others appear.

If a boy is born, then the parents also try to find a rare name for him. Based on a certain idea, they can choose by. Attention is drawn - Julius, August, Augustine, March, Sentyabrin. They are called (Socrates, Caesar). Borrowing from another language - Bernard, Blaise, Gustav, Donat, Richie. Often the parents themselves change the name: they take the old one and remake it, for example, Borislav, Danislav.
Is it necessary
When choosing a rare name for a child, parents should not only think about how to highlight it, but also what result may be in the future. Will it not inflict psychological trauma on the child in the future, when he will be constantly asked again: “How to write correctly? Who gave you that name? You have a strange name. This emphasis on the child can affect his behavior. Of course, it is not a fact that it will be so, but it should not be ruled out either.

Parents-to-be should be very careful and serious about choosing a "rare name" for their child. Perhaps you should not follow fashion or something else, but choose a familiar and popular name with which it will be easy and simple for the child to live.