How To Choose A Name For A Child By Patronymic

How To Choose A Name For A Child By Patronymic
How To Choose A Name For A Child By Patronymic

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Parents begin to think about choosing a name for a baby long before his birth. Usually, two options are selected at once - for a girl and for a boy. When choosing, it is important to take into account not only your preferences, fashion for names, saints, wishes of relatives, but also how much the name is consonant with the patronymic.

How to choose a name for a child by patronymic
How to choose a name for a child by patronymic


Step 1

Choose a few of the most appropriate names for your baby. It is with them that you will continue to work. Please note that ancestors did not advise calling the child by the name of a deceased relative with a difficult fate or short life, because the child can repeat his life. And also by the name of the parent, tk. the newborn will take the energy of the namesake through the name, and the guardian angel will have more work. Whether or not you follow these beliefs is up to you.

Step 2

Now start pronouncing them along with the middle name. If the middle name is long, then choose a short name. If the middle name consists of a small number of letters, then on the contrary, the name should be long. Choose a harmonious combination of sounds in the name and patronymic, while taking into account the ease of pronunciation.

Step 3

Stick to the following rule: when the middle name begins with a consonant, the name must begin with a vowel. If the middle name begins with a vowel, then on the contrary, look for the name in a consonant (Nikita Pavlovich is a good combination, but Artem Pavlovich is not). In addition, at the junction of the name and patronymic there should not be many consonants or repetitions of the same sound (Georgy Gavrilovich, Ilya Yakovlevich).

Step 4

Choose a name in which the stress falls on the same syllable as in the middle name (Anna Yuryevna sounds nicer and easier than Maria Yuryevna).

Step 5

For soft-sounding patronymics (Petrovich, Sergeevich), choose names with a hard sound (Maria, Anton, Anna), and, conversely, soft-sounding names (Ilya, Polina, Ksenia) will be most successfully combined with “hard” patronymics (Dmitrievich, Gennadievich) …

Step 6

Pay attention to the nationality of the name and patronymic. The combination of different cultures will sound strange, and sometimes even comical, and in the future it is unprofitable to attract attention (Violetta Ivanovna, Ivan Eldarovich, Ludwig Gavrilovich). You should also not call your baby by the name of the Fantasy character (Anakin), try to avoid combinations of the name and patronymic of public people (Vladimir Vladimirovich, Alla Borisovna).
