What Needs To Be Done So That The Baby Sleeps Under The Covers

What Needs To Be Done So That The Baby Sleeps Under The Covers
What Needs To Be Done So That The Baby Sleeps Under The Covers

When choosing a blanket for a baby, parents imagine how the baby will be warm and comfortable. But in practice it often turns out that even from under the most luxurious bedspread, the baby creeps out with such persistence that it amazes all household members. There are ways out of this situation, although not all of them are associated with the formation of the habit of sleeping covered.

What needs to be done so that the baby sleeps under the covers
What needs to be done so that the baby sleeps under the covers

What are the ways to solve the problem

The easiest way is to go up to the baby's crib again and again, covering him with a blanket after he throws it off. The same method is a kind of test for the survival of the mother, since practice shows that those babies who are categorically annoyed by the blanket try to get rid of it immediately after touching it. You can try not to cover the child until the moment, until he plunges into a phase of deep sleep. So it will be possible to avoid a scandal at least when laying down, but there are no guarantees that it will not open up at night.

Another option is to attach the blanket to the bed bars with special fasteners that look like large clothespins with a Velcro strap. They have an affordable price and securely fix the blanket around the perimeter of the bed. The difficulty lies in only one thing: children manage to crawl out from under such a structure. The same can be said about bedding sets for newborns, in which the blanket is fastened to the sides with a zipper. Most often, such kits are produced by foreign manufacturers, they have an aesthetic appearance and are very functional.

For those kids who are just throwing off their blankets, they can be the perfect solution. In the event that the whole night of the baby becomes a continuous struggle with the insulation from above with a clear expression of protest, then you may have to come to terms with the uselessness of the purchase and look for other methods to preserve heat and your own nervous system. Moreover, cases when a child does not sleep with a blanket occur at a much later age. Therefore, it is simply impossible to convince a newborn or force it not to open up in a dream.

If a child does not sleep under a blanket: how to keep him from freezing

First of all, you need to control the temperature in the room, while not forgetting that even for the smallest doctors do not recommend arranging climatic conditions in the room on a hot summer day. A comfortable sleep is possible only in cool conditions. For calm babies, as well as for the smallest, a sleeping bag will be the perfect solution. Its peculiarity is that the legs are hidden inside a cocoon made of fabric, which can be fastened with zippers or buttons. At the top, the bag is attached to the child's shoulders either in one piece or with buttons.

Sleeves may also be present in winter models. Thanks to the density of the fabric, it is possible to pick up or sew a sleeping bag for any season and not worry that the child will freeze in winter or cool summer. And another method is to simply dress the baby in clothes that correspond to the temperature conditions, not forgetting about the soles of the feet. This will be the "man" pajamas, in which only the palms and head remain open.
