When A Man Sleeps, What Does His Soul Do

When A Man Sleeps, What Does His Soul Do
When A Man Sleeps, What Does His Soul Do

People sleep up to a third of their lives. Science believes that sleep is needed to rest and process the information accumulated during the day by the brain. At the same time, in religions and many other teachings, sleep is perceived as a journey of the soul to other worlds. Most likely, the truth, as is often the case, is somewhere in between.

When a man sleeps, what does his soul do
When a man sleeps, what does his soul do

Dreams have been actively researched and researched both by official science and by numerous enthusiasts. The experience accumulated over the past centuries allows us to draw quite interesting conclusions. They do not claim to be completely true, but they do explain many of the phenomena associated with sleep.

Real and virtual dream worlds

Dreams are very different. Some of them are filled with everyday problems and are clearly associated with the events of the past day. But there are also dreams that sharply fall out of the general range. There are few of them, about 5% of the total number of dreams. They are distinguished by their amazing brightness, richness and unusual plot.

The analysis of dreams and the experiments carried out by people who are able to maintain awareness in a dream, allow us to conclude that the dream spaces, into which the human soul falls in a dream, are of two types - virtual and real. Virtual spaces are illusory and are created by the consciousness of the person himself. But from time to time, the soul goes beyond the illusions it creates and enters the real world.

These worlds can be very different, the specific "address" depends on the consciousness of a person, his spiritual level, thoughts and preferences. For example, a religious person can enter the worlds close to his spiritual aspirations. An evil and cruel person usually ends up in the so-called lower astral worlds, corresponding to his level of consciousness. These worlds are dark, heavy, aggressive.

Thus, the places in which a person's soul falls in a dream are fully consistent with the qualities of his consciousness. But there are also exceptions. For example, a person watched a horror movie at night. The energies of this film, its heavy mood, are conducive to falling in a dream into worlds of similar qualities.

The influence of dreams on human life

It is well known that dreams can predict the future. But in fact, very often they do not predict it, but form it. This applies to dreams in which the human soul dwells in real astral worlds. As mentioned above, such dreams are distinguished by their brightness and saturation, they are very well remembered.

The events that take place in such dreams are very clearly projected onto the events of the day. For example, you have a vivid dream in which someone attacks you and you run away. In the afternoon, you will most likely expect some troubles, losses, surrender of your positions. And vice versa, if you were not afraid in a dream and won, the events of the day would have turned out in your favor.

And there are many such examples. In a dream, a person does not just sleep - his soul, getting into the astral worlds, continues to do something. The events of the day depend on how a person behaves in a dream.

It is important to understand that the events of the day and night actively influence each other. If you are cheerful and optimistic during the day, keep a good mood, believe in yourself, you have good dreams, you find yourself in bright, welcoming worlds. This means that the chances that something unpleasant will happen to you at night are minimal. Accordingly, the events of the next day will also be positive.

The opposite situation is when you are pessimistic, gripped by melancholy, depression, mental pain. Then your dreams are dark and heavy, you find yourself in the lower astral worlds. There are many aggressive entities in them, from which you most likely have to hide. And this, in turn, is projected onto the events of the day - everything is going against you, you are chronically unlucky.

Thus, dreams have the most direct impact on a person's life. By practicing positive thinking and moving away from heavy thoughts, you can learn to fall into the light worlds in a dream. Which, in turn, will have the most positive effect on the quality of your life.
