The character of a person depends on his behavior in society and in the family, as well as how he perceives himself. With age, the character of the child changes. For example, the transition period in adolescents, the crisis of youth, the crisis of forty years. These and other factors can affect the change in a person's character.

Step 1
There are positive and negative traits in character that change depending on age and circumstances. Life is such that you constantly have to struggle with difficulties, to pave the way into life. This is accompanied by certain changes in character, which is quite normal. However, some qualities that were considered normal in youth may not be acceptable later in life.
Step 2
There are people who strive for power, like to be leaders and to keep everything under their control. They are constantly moving towards a new goal. But over time, there may be some changes in the character of the person and in the situation. For example, if a young employee is appointed to the workplace of this person, the authority falls, which is very hard going through. There is no respect that a person enjoyed before the tipping point. It changes him, breaks him inside. A person becomes aggressive, begins to talk in a raised voice with others, etc.
Step 3
Some people get used to the calmness and smooth flow of life. With age, they begin to fear change and try to make sure that nothing bothers them. But in life you constantly need to move forward, since changes are inevitable. A person strives for calmness and changes his lifestyle. And if before he took care of his loved ones, always helped them, now his main friend is the TV. A person closes in on himself, becomes gullible, with difficulty overcomes fears. If difficulties arise in front of him, it is difficult for him to cope with them.
Step 4
There are cheerful and cheerful people who can stay that way in life. But sometimes circumstances push them into a corner, and the character changes. Age also plays a significant role here. In childhood, such a person is doing well, he meets friends, makes new acquaintances, is not deprived of communication. But with age, misunderstandings can arise. If such a person is no longer appreciated, he looks for a new company, job or family. And so all my life. But by old age, such a person may be left completely alone.
Step 5
If we talk in general about the change in character with age, then several points should be noted here. With the onset of adolescence, a person gets rid of childhood character traits, which include self-centeredness, irresponsibility, tearfulness, capriciousness. With age, a person acquires such traits as responsibility, wisdom by experience, prudence, tolerance, rationality and others.
Step 6
At the age of 30-40, people live their future, and at 50, their dreams fade into the background, they begin to live in the present. At the age of 60-70, a person begins to evaluate the years he has lived. They no longer think about the future, which leads to the appearance of such character traits as calmness, measuredness, serenity, and leisurely pace.