All changes in a person's character can be divided into typical, natural and peculiar or atypical. Age-related changes can undoubtedly be attributed to the first.

First half of life
As they grow up, people get rid of the character traits that are characteristic of young children. It is customary to refer to them as capriciousness, irresponsibility, tearfulness, self-centeredness and much more. With age, people acquire positive or "adult" character traits, which, to one degree or another, are manifested over time in everyone. These features include tolerance, rationality, responsibility, wisdom by experience. By the way, it is the accumulation of life experience that to a very large extent changes people's views on what is happening.
Twenty-year-old people live mainly in the future, all their activity, thoughts of action are filled with plans that are more like pipe dreams. Most often, at twenty, people have no idea what difficulties they will face, so they look at the world very, sometimes even overly optimistic. The majority of twenty-year-olds are characterized by postponing important things "for tomorrow", lack of tolerance and responsibility. But all this changes by the age of thirty.
At this age, all people's thoughts are still directed to the future, but this is not that distant and ephemeral future. At thirty, a person no longer dreams, but makes plans. By this age, as a rule, enough experience, ideas about life have been accumulated, which allows you to look at the world with more confidence. Usually around thirty, all character traits sharpen a little, positive and negative qualities become more pronounced. By the age of thirty, a person receives the character that he deserves. In most cases, after this age, no cardinal, serious changes occur, unless, of course, serious emotional upheavals occur that change the whole life.
Character at maturity
In the next two decades, people pass the boundary that unites both the past and the future for them. Most often, during this period (by about fifty years), pragmatic character traits come to the fore, making life easier in the present, but all kinds of idealistic properties that are associated with dreams and dreams fade into the background.
People between the ages of sixty and seventy think about the future much less than about the past. The appearance of physical ailments, a drop in performance leads to the appearance of nostalgia for the past. People at this age think that everything was better in the past, so sometimes character traits such as grumpiness, constant dissatisfaction with the people around them come to the fore. If a person at this age lives a full life, communicates with friends, spends enough time with his family, such negative character traits are manifested to a lesser extent.