Imprisonment is designed, implemented and used to correct human behavior. Not every person is able to reform and become a law-abiding citizen of society, but the influence of the prison changes the worldview of everyone who was there.

Step 1
The term of imprisonment depends on the act done, however, in each case, being in prison should provoke a person to think about what he did, and to understand that this should not be done. This is in theory. In practice, it turns out that all people are different, and imprisonment can be different.
Step 2
Psychologists studying this problem have noticed that a person's stay in prison for more than 7 years irreversibly affects his psyche. It is not an awareness of the situation and a desire to correct one's life that occurs, but a complete acceptance of prison values and an appropriate lifestyle. A prison is such an aggressive environment that it leaves a serious imprint on a person's consciousness.
Step 3
If a person goes to prison for the first time, he is very much pressed by the state of lack of freedom, restriction of movement, actions and circle of communication. In addition, any prison has its own laws, which also need to be understood and adopted. On how quickly a person adapts to the new rules, sometimes not only his health, but also his life depends. However, despite all the inconveniences and limitations, a person gets used to this over time. And after a while, any other environment for him will be alien and unacceptable.
Step 4
There is a strict hierarchy in prison: either a person submits others, or submits himself. After being released from imprisonment, many, accustomed to such a distribution of roles, are looking for similar people in life.
Step 5
What a person has lost while in prison is of great importance to a person. If the term was short, and there is a house, family and some kind of acquaintances at large, there is an opportunity to go to work and return to almost the same lifestyle that was before the imprisonment. And if the previous way of life is lost, all acquaintances are only from among the same former prisoners, the opportunity to get a job is very small, the person remains in this way of life and is unlikely to become law-abiding.
Step 6
The longer the term of imprisonment, the less likely it is to become the same full-fledged representative of society and be in the system of social relations, as it was before the imprisonment. Former prisoners, as a rule, find each other at large, unite and jointly seek opportunities for survival. Most often, these are, unfortunately, illegal methods and ways of enrichment and arrangement in life.
Step 7
The prison changes everyone who has been there at least once. A person who reconsiders his life and after liberation starts everything “from scratch” is a rare exception among the general rule of changed people.