How The Character Of Children Changes

How The Character Of Children Changes
How The Character Of Children Changes

The character of a person is a rather complex concept, consisting of many habits, reactions to certain situations, attitudes towards others and other similar traits of nature. The foundations of character are laid by the parents, the society where the child is brought up and developed.

Expression of emotions in a child
Expression of emotions in a child

The character of a person is laid, like the foundation of a building, in the first years of life. According to child psychologists, the formation of a personality begins from the first days of life, and finally character traits are formed by the age of three. And what a person will be like depends directly on the values that are embedded in his concept of morality, precisely during this period of his life. It is important for the parents of the baby to understand that their behavior serves as the most vivid example of what a person should be, and by their example to show daily what is possible and what is not. Other factors, for example, hereditary traits, the atmosphere in the family and preschool institution and school, and the rules of the social environment in which he is brought up, have a huge impact on changes in the child's behavior.

Changes in the character of a child from 3 to 7 years old

After 3 years, stubbornness and signs of self-will usually appear in the child's behavior. The fact is that at this age he is able to do a lot on his own, but his parents continue to persistently patronize him in all the little things. In order for these traits not to receive the basis for active development, it is necessary to expand the range of responsibilities of the baby, to make him feel like a person, a full-fledged member of the family and the society around him. But it is also impossible to cross the line of permissiveness at this age. Signs of selfishness, which are characteristic of this period of life, must be suppressed and conveyed to the child that his environment also has the right to their opinion.

7-year-old crisis

At the age of 7 years in the formation of the character of the child comes a turning point associated with the transition from one educational institution to another. Many children at this age become withdrawn, which threatens the development of insecurity, the appearance of a feeling of uselessness and worthlessness, loneliness. It is very easy to prevent this, it is enough to listen carefully to what he wants to share, to help him in the process of adaptation in the new team. The fact is that a child at this age already considers himself to be quite adult, but the unformed psyche still really needs support from the outside, the opportunity to share feelings, to throw out emotions. And if a student suddenly stopped talking about how his day went, sharing his impressions, it is necessary to make him talk, help him relieve stress.

Features of transitional age

The transitional age is the most difficult period in the life of both the child and his parents. It is almost impossible to say exactly when it starts. Some of the children reach a turning point at the age of 12, some at 14, and some generally bypass it, experience it, without bringing any trouble either to themselves or to those close to them. Despite the general negative attitude towards this moment in every person's life, it is only a time of knowing oneself, the surrounding world, and its new facets. And where this turning point will lead depends, again, only on the parents.

At this age, a child needs the attention of loved ones even more than in infancy. Many moms and dads believe that the child is quite adult in order to make decisions on his own and take care of himself, to be friends with those with whom he sees fit and to come home a little later. This is the main mistake that leads to negative consequences. In a transitional age, it is important to acquaint the child with the good sides of life, take him away from bad influence, direct his interest in the right direction, that is, pay him as much attention as possible and surround him with care.
