Changes To The Russian-American Agreement On The Adoption Of Children

Changes To The Russian-American Agreement On The Adoption Of Children
Changes To The Russian-American Agreement On The Adoption Of Children

The ratification of the agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on adoption was prompted by a number of events and accidents, as a result of which children from Russia, adopted by American citizens, suffered.

Changes to the Russian-American agreement on the adoption of children
Changes to the Russian-American agreement on the adoption of children

The main changes to the agreement on adoption between the Russian Federation and the United States of America are aimed at protecting the life, health and well-being of Russian children who are transferred from orphanages and orphanages to American families.

Before the development of a new agreement, 19 adopted babies from Russia died at the hands of adoptive parents from America. But Russian officials only put the issue on the agenda in April 2010, when the seven-year-old was sent to Russia all alone. The foster mother put the child on the plane and later explained to the authorized persons that the boy had behavioral problems.

After this outrageous incident, officials demanded a complete ban on the adoption of Russian children by American citizens. All adoption agencies have temporarily frozen applications for US citizens. Only in 2011 did the Russian parliament ratify an adoption agreement between Russia and America. This will help end strife and resume adoption.

Currently, US citizens can adopt a child from Russia if Russian families have not taken the baby within 12 months from the date of social registration. All adoptions will be made through licensed special agencies, which are subsequently required to control the life and upbringing of the adopted child. Authorized social workers from Russia will visit American families and submit a full report to the Russian authorities.

In addition, the new agreement ensures that adoptive parents receive expanded information about the medical and social history of adopted children.

The Russian authorities will be able to exercise full control over the welfare of adopted children. Orphans will have more opportunities to leave social institutions and find a full-fledged family.
