Russian bath is one of the most useful traditions inherited from ancestors. In addition, it is an excellent method of hardening, including for a child. When visiting a bath, a whole contrast of temperatures affects the body. So that parents are not afraid to take the baby to the bath, they need to know some of the nuances of staying in it.

In Russia, visiting the bathhouse by mothers with babies, first of all, was considered commonplace, while many gave birth in this room, since for this there were (at that time) the best conditions. If the baby was healthy, then he was taken to the bath from two weeks of age. Now you can take children to the bathhouse from the age of three. However, be sure to check with your doctor. The bath is contraindicated for people who have some kind of chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi, heart. Well, if your baby is actually healthy, then a steam room for him is one of the best hardening methods. In addition, when a person visits a pairing establishment, his body is affected by contrasting temperatures of water and air. If you are afraid to take your child to the bathhouse, you need to remember some of the features of being in it. So, you can take a child to the bath when he is happy to wash, swim with pleasure in the bath. You can take your child with you if you combine dousing with air baths. If the baby reacts well to such a contrast, does not act up in the process of undressing and dressing, the child is cheerful and absolutely healthy - you can take him to the bathhouse without any problems. If you yourself are familiar with the Russian bath only by hearsay, but want to "accustom" your baby to it, first go to the steam room yourself, without a child. Of course, it is advisable to start with the recommendations of knowledgeable people who should familiarize you with the sauna culture. When regular visits to the bathhouse become a good habit, you can start taking your child with you. The best option is to go to the bathhouse at least once a week. In order to avoid children's whims, show your child with all your behavior that the Russian bath is very good. If you are going to a public bath, then the mother is recommended to go with the baby. Since the support of the mother means a lot to the child himself.