It is still possible to wean a 4-5-year-old child from calling names using the old "grandfather's" method - whoever calls names is called that. But it is applicable only among peers, that is, parents can influence the process only indirectly, by persuading one of their friends or classmates. There are also other ways of influencing.

Step 1
More often than not, the children themselves punish malicious cheaters - they either stop communicating with them, or (this is a bitter, but the truth of life!) Deal with him physically - the latter has a positive effect in 95% of cases. Therefore, sometimes just leave your beloved child in the company of peers and wait for the result. The effect is achieved quickly, however, at the cost of moral suffering. But that's life.
Step 2
For those who have patience and want to keep the process under control, the following option is suitable: start the game of "name-calling". After all, verbal aggression is an outlet for negative emotions, so you can teach a child to release them in more civilized ways. To begin with, invite him to pick up a vocabulary on a vegetable topic (pickled cucumber, pickled mushroom) and do not forget to praise for every "call-up" invented. Then you can go to fruits and flowers (sour lemon, sluggish rose). Usually, what is not forbidden gets boring quickly. I'll get bored with this game too. And with her the desire to call names.
Step 3
The most essential moment in the process of weaning children from the use of profanity is to exclude the factor of imitation. The house should not sound offensive expressions and statements addressed to anyone. And then - a conversation on the eternal topics "What is good and what is bad", but with an emphasis on the fact that "this is not accepted in our family." This is very important - after all, the child has a strongly developed sense of belonging, and, therefore, the traditions of the family are the most essential for him.
Step 4
Another important quality is brought up here - the ability to oppose oneself to the crowd, independently conduct an analysis of moral values and consciously choose a model of behavior. In general, following the proposed model of behavior, you will not only wean the child from calling names, but also raise his self-esteem. The disadvantage of the method is that this is the longest path that requires patience, patience and patience again.